Prof. Dr. med. Ingo Marzi
orthopaedic, hand and reconstructive surgery, trauma and accident surgery, sports medicine
orthopaedic, hand and reconstructive surgery, trauma and accident surgery, sports medicine
Country, City
Germany, Frankfurt am Main
Health facility
University Hospital Frankfurt am Main
Medical unit
Department of orthopedic, accident, hand and reconstructive surgery
4.8 on Google
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patient reviews on Google
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
multiple trauma
traumatic brain injury
trauma surgery
severe trauma
bone healing
chest trauma
bone defects
stem cells
bone tissue
tissue engineering
blunt chest trauma
bone tissue engineering
soft tissue
multiple injuries
reconstructive surgery
pelvic ring
large bone defects
hand reconstructive surgery
wound healing
thoracic spine
fractures children
trauma emergency
head injury
intramedullary nailing
secondary reconstruction
femoral bone
femur fracture
humeral fractures
fractures thoracic spine
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- 1977-1983 Study of human medicine at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz
- 1985 Doctorate in neurology at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz
- 1987-1988 Research grant from the German Research Foundation at the Department of pharmacology at the University of North Carolina
- 1992 Specialist in surgery
- 1992 Certificate of qualification for rescue services
- 1993 Major in accident surgery
- 1993 Habilitation in surgery at the medical faculty of Saarland University
- 1996 Additional qualification in hand surgery
- 2000 Additional qualification in physical therapy
- 2005 Specialist in orthopedics and trauma surgery
- 2010 Additional qualification in sports medicine
- 1984-1985 Medical Officer in Kastellaun
- 1985-1986 Resident in the Department of Surgery, St. Marienworth Hospital in Bad Kreuznach
- 1986-1996 Assistant and Senior Physician at the Surgical Clinic of the Saarland University Hospital
- 1998 Extraordinary Professor at the medical faculty of Saarland University
- 1996-1999 Senior Consultant in the Department for accident, hand and reconstructive surgery at the Saarland University Hospital
- 1999-2001 Acting Director, Department of trauma, hand and reconstructive surgery at the Saarland University Hospital
- 2001 Professor at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main
- 2001 Director of the Department of orthopedic, accident, hand and reconstructive surgery at University Hospital Frankfurt am Main of Goethe-University
Awards & Memberships
- 2009-2014 Head of the Scientific Committee of the German Society for Trauma Surgery
- 2014 Congress President of the World Trauma Congress
- 2011 President of the research section of the German Society for Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery
- 2011 President of the European Society for Trauma & Emergency Surgery
- 2014 Congress President of the World Trauma Congress
- 2015 Member of the Executive Committee of the German Society for Trauma Surgery
- 2017 President of the German Society for Trauma Surgery
- President of the German Society for Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery
- Member of the German Working Group on Endoprosthetics
- Member of the German Society of Surgery
- Member of the German Interdisciplinary Association for Intensive and Emergency Medicine
- Member of the Professional Association of German Surgeons
- Member of the Association of Southern German Orthopedists and Trauma Surgeons
- Member of the European Shock Society
- Member of the European Society for Trauma & Emergency Surgery
- Member of the Euroacademia Multidisciplinaria Neurotraumatologica
- Member of the Association for Orthopedic Research
German Patient Blood Management Network: effectiveness and safety analysis in 1.2 million patients.
September, 2023
Evaluation of CYFRA 21-1, Angiopoetin-2, Pentraxin-3, sRAGE, IL-6 and IL-10 in polytraumatized patients with concomitant thoracic trauma - helpful markers to predict pneumonia?
August, 2023
Long Bone Fractures
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Theodor-Stern-Kai, 7, 60596 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Prof. Dr. med. Ingo Marzi?
The primary specialization of the doctor is orthopaedic, hand and reconstructive surgery, trauma and accident surgery, sports medicine.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Prof. Dr. med. Ingo Marzi has been practicing for more than 42 years.

Prof. Dr. med. Ingo Marzi
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