Prof. Dr. med. dent. Kerstin Galler
endodontology and surgical dentistry
endodontology and surgical dentistry
Country, City
Germany, Erlangen
Health facility
University Hospital Erlangen
Medical unit
Department of surgical dentistry
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
dental pulp
stem cells
pulp regeneration
tissue engineering
pulp tissue
permanent teeth
root canal
dental pulp regeneration
pulp tissue engineering
dental stem cells
matrix proteins
dentin matrix
pulp cells
dental tissue
deep caries
tissue regeneration
restorative dentistry
dental surgery
root resorption
injury pulp
canal disinfectants
canal infection
caries removal
dentin thickness
endodontic procedures
photodynamic therapy
tissue injury
pulp complex
peptidebased hydrogel
tooth preservation
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- 1994-2000 Studied dentistry at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
- 2000 Doctor of dental surgery at the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich
- 2002 Doctoral degree in dentistry at the Ludwig Maximilians University: “Accuracy of electronic apex locators in comparison to actual length“
- 2004-2006 Post-Doctoral Fellow of the Department of orthodontics at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston
- 2006 Post-Doctoral Fellow of the Department of chemistry at Rice University in Houston
- 2006-2009 Ph.D., Department of Bioengineering at the Rice University of Houston: “Self-assembling hydrogels targeted for dental tissue regeneration”
- Post-Doctoral Fellow of the Department of biomedical sciences, Baylor College of Dentistry, Texas
- 2011 Habilitation, Department of restorative dentistry and periodontology at the University of Regensburg: “Bioengineering of Dental Stem Cells in Functionalized Protein- and Peptide-Based Hydrogel Scaffolds”
- 2014 Obtaining specialization in endodontology from the German Association of Endodontology and Dental Traumatology
- 2002-2004 Research Associate at the Department for conservative dentistry and periodontology at the University Hospital Regensburg
- 2009 Department of tooth preservation and periodontology in Regensburg
- 2015 W2-Professor and Deputy of the Department Chair, Department of surgical dentistry at the University Hospital Erlangen
- 2021 Director, Department of surgical dentistry at the University Hospital Erlangen
Awards & Memberships
- 2005 International Young Investigator Award from dentin pulp complex meeting in Duesseldorf
- 2005-2006 Post Doctoral Scholarship from German Academic Exchange Service
- 2006 Travel Award from the pulp biology group of the International Association for Dental Research
- 2009 Travel Award from the mineralized tissue group of the International Association for Dental Research
- 2009-2010 Norton Ross Fellowship in Barcelona
- 2010 Travel Award from an international conference on the chemistry and biology of mineralized tissues
- 2010 ReForM B Fellowship at the University of Regensburg
- 2010 Co-Organizer of the pulp biology and regeneration group symposium of Geneva: „Tissue injury and pulp regeneration”
- 2011 Lecturer for the Sino-German Postgraduate Summer School Xi’an
- 2011 Annual research grant from the European Society of Endodontology
- 2011 Young Investigator Award from the Free Association of German Dentists
- 2011 Award for Best Oral Presentation from the Association of Basic Science in Dentistry
- 2011 Walkhoff-Award of the German Association of Restorative Dentistry: „Best International Publication“
- 2011-2013 Secretary of the German Association of Basic Research in Dentistry
- 2012 Head and Board Member of the workgroup for a new dental curriculum, National Competency-Based Catalog of Learning Objectives in Dentistry: “Pulpal and periradicular disease”
- 2012 Member of the workgroup on pulp biology of the German Association of Restorative Dentistry
- 2012 Award for Best Habilitation at the University of Regensburg
- 2013 Organisation of pulp biology and regeneration group symposiums in Marz: „Pulp regeneration - translational opportunities”
- 2013 Award of the German Association of Endodontology: „Best International Publication in Endodontics“
- 2013 Organisation of the oral session „Pulp defense and regeneration“ at the International Association for Dental Research General Session in Seattle
- 2014 Symposium organization “Dental Pulp Regeneration” at the General Session of the Society for Endodontology
- 2014-2015 President of the pulp biology and regeneration group of the International Association for Dental Research
- 2015 Research Award of the German Association for Restorative and Regenerative Conservative Dentistry
- 2015-2016 Head and Member of the board for a position statement on regenerative endodontic procedures for the European Society for Endodontology
- 2017 Research Award of the German Association of Dentistry
- 2017 Member of the committee for the scientific report of the German Association for Conservative Dentistry on Caries Excavation
- 2018 Member of the committee for the scientific report of the German Association for Endodontology and Dental Traumatology on Vital Pulp Therapies
- Section Leader of endodontology and dental traumatology
- Member of the Continental European Division of the International Association of Dental Research
- Member of the Pulp Biology and Regeneration Group of the International Association for Dental Research
- Member of the European Society of Endodontology
- Member of the German Association of Endodontology and Dental Traumatology
- Member of the German Association of Basic Research in Dentistry
- Member of the German Association of Restorative Dentistry
- Member of the Association of Regenerative Medicine
External Inflammatory Root Resorption in Traumatized Immature Incisors: MTA Plug or Revitalization? A Case Series.
18 July, 2023
Engineering the Future of Dental Health: Exploring Molecular Advancements in Dental Pulp Regeneration.
14 July, 2023
Endodontic Tissue Regeneration: A Review for Tissue Engineers and Dentists.
23 May, 2023
Maximilianspl., 2, 91054 Erlangen, Germany
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Prof. Dr. med. dent. Kerstin Galler?
The primary specialization of the doctor is endodontology and surgical dentistry.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Prof. Dr. med. dent. Kerstin Galler has been practicing for more than 25 years.

Prof. Dr. med. dent. Kerstin Galler
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© Prof. Dr. med. dent. Kerstin Galler