Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Eisenschenk
orthopedics and hand surgery
orthopedics and hand surgery
Country, City
Germany, Greifswald
Health facility
University Hospital Greifswald
Medical unit
Department of hand and functional microsurgery
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About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
hand surgery
interphalangeal joint
proximal interphalangeal joint
hand injuries
orthopedic surgery
scaphoid bone
joint arthrodesis
distal phalanx
scapholunate ligament
displaced fractures
scaphoid pseudarthrosis
flexor tendon
femur head
hand forearm
rheumatoid arthritis
femoral head
fractures hand
metacarpal neck
arthrodesis compression
iliac crest
bone graft
peripheral nerves
bone healing
septic arthritis
femur head necrosis
interphalangeal joint arthrodesis
hand replantation microsurgery
reconstructive microsurgery
distal phalangeal fractures
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- 1977-1984 Studied human medicine at the Free University of Berlin
- 1984 Obtaining a license for medical practice
- 1985 Defense of the dissertation by the Department of orthopedics of the Free University of Berlin: "The thermographic measurement of blood flow changes in the forearm through treatment with physical-therapeutic measures"
- 1985-1986 Research Assistant at the Department of thoracic cardiovascular surgery of the University of Goettingen
- 1987-1997 Resident at the Department of orthopedics of the Free University of Berlin
- 1991 Obtaining specialization in orthopedics
- 1992 Additional qualification in sports medicine
- 1996 Optional further training in special orthopedic surgery and hand surgery
- 1997 Habilitation and a teaching license: “Animal experimental and clinical studies of bone healing of vascularized bone transplants depending on various influencing factors”
- 2007 Received additional qualifications in the field of orthopedics and accident surgery
- 2008 Additional designation in X-ray diagnostics
- 1990 Scientific internship with the guest lecture in the clinic "Hand and reconstructive microsurgery" in Toronto at the General Hospital
- 1991-1997 Head of the Department of orthopedics at the Free University of Berlin in the Oskar-Helene-Heim
- 1997 Head of the Department for hand, replantation, and microsurgery in the Accident Hospital in Berlin
- 1997 Lecture and internship at the medical faculty of the Free University of Berlin
- 1998 Lecture and internship at the medical faculty of the Ernst Moritz Arndt University of Greifswald
- 2002 Lecture and internship at the medical faculty of the Charite Humboldt University in Berlin
- 2006-2008 Additional scientific teaching and cooperation with the medical faculty of the Charite Humboldt University in Berlin
- Head of the center for specialized rehabilitative medicine in the Accident Hospital in Berlin
- 2012 Head of the Department of hand and functional microsurgery at the University Hospital Greifswald
Awards & Memberships
- 1988 Member of the section for hand and microsurgery of the German Society for Orthopedics and Traumatology
- 1989 Ordinary Member of the German Society for Orthopedics and Traumatology
- 1992 Extraordinary Member of the German-speaking working group for microsurgery of peripheral nerves and vessels
- 1992 Extraordinary Member of the German Working Group for Hand Surgery
- 1992 Extraordinary Member of the German Society for Hand Surgery
- 1993 Founding Member of the working group on hand osteosynthesis of the German section of the international working group
- 1995 Member and Head of the Department of trauma, soft tissue damage, microsurgery and replantation surgery of the German Society for Orthopedic Foot Surgery
- 1995 Guest lecture at the University of Ioannina
- 1997 Full Member of the German-speaking working group for microsurgery of the peripheral nerves and vessels
- 1997 Full Member of the German working group for hand surgery 1997 Full Member of the German Society for Hand Surgery
- 2001-2003 Treasurer of the German Society for Hand Surgery
- 2003 Secretary of the German Society for Hand Surgery
- 2007 Guest lecture at the University of Thessaly
- 2008 Deputy Head of the hand surgery section of the German Society for Trauma Surgery
- 2008 Head of the section for hand, replantation, and microsurgery of the German Society for Orthopedics and Orthopedic Surgery and admission to the extended board of the German Society for Orthopedics
- 2008 Publisher and Director of the scientific journal “Upper extremity - shoulder, elbow, hand”
Assessing Diagnostic Accuracy of Four-dimensional CT for Instable Scapholunate Dissociation: The Prospective ACTION Trial.
September, 2023
Superselective Catheter Angiographies of the Wrist (SCAW): Approaches for Vascularized Bone Grafts.
22 March, 2023
Arthrodesis of the Proximal Interphalangeal Joint of the Finger-A Biomechanical Study of Primary Stability.
2 March, 2023
Fleischmannstraße, 8, 17489 Greifswald, Germany
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Eisenschenk?
The primary specialization of the doctor is orthopedics and hand surgery.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Eisenschenk has been practicing for more than 41 years.

Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Eisenschenk
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© Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Eisenschenk