Prof. Dr. Joan Enric Latorre Ráez
angiology, endovascular and vascular surgery
angiology, endovascular and vascular surgery
Country, City
Spain, Barcelona
Health facility
Teknon Medical Centre Barcelona
Medical unit
Department of angiology and vascular surgery
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
vascular surgery
endovascular surgery
acute ischemia
chronic ischemia
vertebrobasilar insufficiency
carotid surgery

Prevention of varicose veins - Dr. Enric Latorre

Most common circulatory diseases - Teknon Medical Center

Most frequent circulatory problems (Dr. Enric Latorre)
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- Studied human medicine
- Obtaining a license for medical practice
- Doctoral dissertation: "Vertebrobasilar insufficiency. Indications, technique, and results of surgery on vertebral arteries."
- 1987-1992 Resident after a competitive examination in the teaching service of angiology and vascular surgery at Sant Pau Hospital in Barcelona
- 1991 3-month residency at Union Memorial Hospital in Baltimore (Maryland), affiliated with Johns Hopkins University, training in endovascular surgery.
- 1991-1992 Chief Resident of the Department of angiology and vascular surgery
- 1990-1991 Professor of doctoral courses in emergency vascular surgery
- 1991 Professor of doctoral courses on diabetic foot
- 1992 Professor of doctoral courses on chronic ischemia
- 1992 Professor of doctoral courses in vascular pathology
- 1992-1994 Stroke Physician Assistant at the Hospital del Mar in Barcelona
- 1994 Deputy Emergency Physician of the angiology and vascular surgery service of the Hospital of Sant Pau
- 1994-1995 Stroke Physician Assistant at Hospital of the Red Cross "May Day" in Barcelona
- 1995 Head of the Department of vascular hemodynamic studies, Teknon Medical Center Barcelona
- 1996 Associate Physician for stroke at Towley Park Health Corporation in Sabadell
- 1998 Professor of the master's degree in aesthetic medicine of the university, responsible for the department of aesthetic phlebology in its theoretical and practical aspects
- Department of angiology and vascular surgery at Teknon Medical Center Barcelona
Awards & Memberships
- Member of the Department of Phlebology of the Spanish Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery
- Member of the Spanish Society of Angiologists and Vascular Surgeons
- Member of the Catalan Society of Angiologists and Vascular Surgeons
- Member of the European Society of Vascular Surgery
- Participant in 11 clinical and epidemiological studies and 2 fundamental studies
- Co-author of the multicenter study "European Carotid Surgery Trial" of the University of Edinburgh (led by Professor Warlow)
- Member of the technical commission on deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism
- Member of the project committee of the Spanish multicenter study of the use of urokinase in acute ischemia and venous thrombosis
Carrer de Vilana, 12, 08022 Barcelona, Spain
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Prof. Dr. Joan Enric Latorre Ráez?
The primary specialization of the doctor is angiology, endovascular and vascular surgery.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Prof. Dr. Joan Enric Latorre Ráez has been practicing for more than 38 years.

Prof. Dr. Joan Enric Latorre Ráez
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© Prof. Dr. Joan Enric Latorre Ráez