PD. Dr. med. Peter Brucker
sports traumatology, orthopedic surgery, knee Surgery and arthroscopy
sports traumatology, orthopedic surgery, knee Surgery and arthroscopy
Country, City
Germany, Munich
Health facility
ATOS Orthopedic Clinic Munich
Medical unit
Department of sports traumatology
5.0 on Google
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patient reviews on Google
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
anterior cruciate
cruciate ligament
rotator cuff
anterior cruciate ligament
femoral condyle
ligament reconstruction
cruciate ligament reconstruction
sports traumatology
osteochondral defects
large osteochondral defects
sports medicine
proximal hamstring
tissue regeneration
defects femoral
cartilage damage
sports orthopedics
cuff repair
orthopedic surgery
rotator cuff repair
knee surgery
joint surgery
trauma surgery
knee joint
tibial osteotomy
arthroscopy joint surgery
tendon ruptures
high tibial osteotomy
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- 1989-2002 Studied sports science at the German Sport University in Cologne
- 1992-1998 Studied human medicine at the University of Cologne, including study visits to the USA (Harvard Medical School, Boston) and Switzerland (Zurich, Lucerne)
- 1998-2000 Sports teacher diploma, state-certified ski instructor
- 1999-2000 Specialist training in the department and polyclinic for sports orthopedics at the Technical University of Munich, University Clinic rechts der Isar (Prof. Imhoff)
- 2000-2003 Specialist training in the Professional Association Accident Clinic Murnau (Prof. Buhren)
- 2003-2004 Research grant (Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship Cartilage Restoration Laboratory/ Ferguson Laboratory of Orthopedic Research, Department of orthopedic surgery, Division of sports medicine, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania/USA (Prof. Fu)
- 2005-2007 Specialist training at the Balgrist Orthopedic University Hospital, University of Zurich (Prof. Gerber)
- 2007-2015 Specialist/Senior Physician in the Department and Polyclinic for sports orthopedics of the Technical University of Munich, University Hospital rechts der Isar Munich (Prof. Imhoff)
- Head of teaching and examiner on behalf of the government of Upper Bavaria for the medical state examination (2nd section of the medical examination),
- Transplant and cartilage officer, University Hospital rechts der Isar Munich
- Head of the knee team, University Hospital rechts der Isar Munich
- 2015-2016 Chief Physician, Orthopedic and Surgical Department, Starmed Klinik GmbH (International Clinic for Knee and Shoulder Surgery), Munich
- 2016-2019 Participation in Medical Care Center Alte Borse, OrthoPlus Munich
- 2017-2019 Chief Physician, Orthopedic Department, ATOS Starmed Clinic (International Clinic for Knee and Shoulder Surgery), Munich
- 2018 Private medical group practice (single practice), Orthopedics Ottostrasse 11, Munich
- 2020 Cooperation Doctor in the main Department of orthopedic, ATOS Orthopedic Clinic Munich (Special Orthopedic Clinic)
- Medical Director ATOS Orthopedic Clinic Munich
- Official Senior Physician of the German Alpine Ski Team and Olympic Physician of the German Olympic Sports Confederation
- Teaching activity as a private associate professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the Technical University of Munich
- Researcher at the Institute of Biomechanics in Sports at the Faculty of sports and health of the Technical University of Munich
Awards & Memberships
- 2002 1st prize for the poster "Multiple injuries in sports", 17th German-Austrian-Swiss Congress of Sports Orthopedics and Sports Traumatology
- 2004 Scientific Award of the German Academy of Aviation and Travel Medicine (Albrecht-Ludwig-Berblinger Award)
- 2005 2nd Prize for Poster "Effect of ACL Graft Length in the Femoral Tunnel on Kinematics and Structural Properties of the Knee - An Animal Study in Goats", 22nd Annual Congress of the German Arthroscopy Association
- 2013 Society for Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery Award "Structural and biomechanical changes in the shoulders of young javelin throwers - a multimodal evaluation as proof of concept of a preventive exercise protocol."
- 2014 Professional Association of Specialists in Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery Award "Valgus Bracing in Symptomatic Varus Disalignment for Testing the Effective Unloading Effect After Valgus High Tibial Osteotomy." German Congress of Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery, Berlin
- 2015 Michael Jaeger Award "Development of a preventive orthosis for the knee joint in professional ski racing - a holistic development concept with implementation in the FIS Alpine Ski World Cup.", 30th Annual Congress of the Orthopedic Society - Trauma Sports Medicine
- 2016 1st Biomechanics/Fundamental Research Poster Award "Biomechanical Properties of Different Meniscal Root Fixations - A Porcine Cadaver Study", 33rd Annual Congress of the Society for Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery
- 2018 "President's Cup" for the best lecture, "How risky is the professional competition?" and the fastest skier of a traditional ski race 36th Congress of the International Society of Snow Sports Medicine
- 2018 3rd place "Best Society for Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery Committee"
- 2019 2nd Place "Best Society for Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery Committee" 2018
- Member of the Society for Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery
- Member of the Society for Orthopedic-Traumatological Sports Medicine
- Member of European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy
- Member of the German Society for Sports Medicine and Prevention (German Sports Doctors Association) registered association
- Member of the German Society for Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery
- Member of German Society for Orthopedics and Orthopedic Surgeryregistered association
- Member of the German Society for Trauma Surgery
- Member of the International Society for Snowsports Medicine
- Member of Association doctors Germany
- Member of the German Association for Shoulder and Elbow Surgery
- Member of Bavarian Association of Sports Doctors
- Over 400 international and national lectures, including moderation, live operations, preparations, and presentations
- Expert work (reviewer) for more than 10 scientific journals in the field of orthopedics, trauma surgery, sports orthopedics, sports medicine, sports science
Pathogenesis and Diagnosis of Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathies.
22 June, 2023
[Correction: Empfehlungen der AG Klinische Geweberegeneration zur Behandlung von Knorpelschäden am Kniegelenk].
February, 2023
Empfehlungen der AG Klinische Geweberegeneration zur Behandlung von Knorpelschäden am Kniegelenk.
February, 2023
Effnerstraße, 38, 81925 Munich, Germany
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of PD. Dr. med. Peter Brucker?
The primary specialization of the doctor is sports traumatology, orthopedic surgery, knee Surgery and arthroscopy.
What is the experience of the specialist?
PD. Dr. med. Peter Brucker has been practicing for more than 27 years.

PD. Dr. med. Peter Brucker
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© PD. Dr. med. Peter Brucker