Dr. Roberto Pozzoni
orthopedics, sports medicine, ankle & foot surgery, knee, hip surgery, traumatology, regenerative medicine
orthopedics, sports medicine, ankle & foot surgery, knee, hip surgery, traumatology, regenerative medicine
Country, City
Italy, Milan
Health facility
IRCCS Galeazzi Hospital Sant'Ambrogio
Medical unit
Department of regenerative medicine
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
anterior cruciate ligament
cruciate ligament
sports medicine
cruciate ligament reconstruction
ligament reconstruction
tibial fixation
surgery traumatology
major traumas
traumas youth
autograft maturation
joint arthroplasty
knee hyperextension
acute exercise
gracilis tendons
injuries adolescents
lateral condyle
acl rupture
rotatory instability
adriamycininduced nephrotic syndrome
orthopedics sports medicine
hip surgery traumatology
traumatology regenerative medicine
cruciate ligament injuries
total joint arthroplasty
major traumas youth
ligament injuries adolescents
semitendinosus gracilis tendons
traumatology arthroscopic surgery
femoral tibial fixation
ligament injuries
traumas youth football
ligament acl rupture
anterolateral rotatory instability
sports traumatology
knee surgery
hip surgery
regenerative medicine
arthroscopic surgery
nephrotic syndrome
foot surgery

The Expert's answer - Sports traumatology: adolescent CA ligament injury

The Expert's Answer - Sports Traumatology: Sports Injuries

The Expert's answer - Sports traumatology: meniscus treatment

Cervical and back pain? But quarantine!

Interview with Dr. Roberto Pozzoni Ist. Ort. Galeazzi Milan

Interview with Dr. Roberto Pozzoni Ist. Ort. Galeazzi Milan
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- 1992 Graduated in medicine and surgery from the University of Milan
- 1998 Obtained specialization in orthopedics and traumatology at the University of Milan
- Medical assistant and medical aid in some hospitals in Milan and some sports clubs of national importance
- Medical Director of the national rugby team
- Orthopedic consultant of A.C. Milan
- Head of the operative unit of sports traumatology and arthroscopic surgery (C.T.S.) at IRCCS Ospedale Galeazzi - Sant’Ambrogio
- Consultant orthopedist at Casa di Cura La Madonnina
Different timing in allograft and autograft maturation after primary anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction does not influence the clinical outcome at mid-long-term follow-up.
July, 2022
Different timing in allograft and autograft maturation after primary anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction does not influence the clinical outcome at mid-long-term follow-up
16 November, 2021
Remote Management of Patients after Total Joint Arthroplasty via a Web-Based Registry during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
29 September, 2021
via C. Belgioioso, 173, 20157 Milan, Italy
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Dr. Roberto Pozzoni?
The primary specialization of the doctor is orthopedics, sports medicine, ankle & foot surgery, knee, hip surgery, traumatology, regenerative medicine.
What is the rating of the doctor?
Dr. Roberto Pozzoni is rated as 9.80 by AiroMedical.

Dr. Roberto Pozzoni
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