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Dr. med. Ulrike Muschaweck working place, ATOS Orthopedic Clinic Munich
Dr. med. Ulrike Muschaweck

Dr. med. Ulrike Muschaweck

general, abdominal and hernia surgery
general, abdominal and hernia surgery
User ScoreExperienceTotal ReviewsRatingPrice RangePublicationsOnline Consultations
99%52 years39.7/10$$$$20Yes


Country, City
Germany, Munich
Health facility
ATOS Orthopedic Clinic Munich
Medical unit
Department of general and abdominal surgery
5.0 on Google
The data collected based on 3 patient reviews on Google

About the doctor

Dr. med. Ulrike Muschaweck is a highly experienced surgeon specializing in general, abdominal, and hernia surgery. With over 50 years of experience, Dr. Muschaweck has established herself as a renowned expert in her field. She obtained her medical degree from the Georg-August University of Gottingen and completed her specialist training at the University Hospital in Gottingen. Throughout her career, Dr. Muschaweck has held various positions at prestigious institutions around the world. She has served as the Head of the Surgical Polyclinic at the University Hospital in Munich and has also worked at the Shouldice Hospital in Toronto, Canada. Dr. Muschaweck has been instrumental in the development of two surgical techniques that have revolutionized patient care: the "Minimal Repair" technique for athlete's groin and the "Munich Repair" technique for umbilical hernias. In addition to her clinical work, Dr. Muschaweck is actively involved in research and has published numerous scientific papers on hernia surgery. Her publications highlight her expertise and dedication to advancing the field of hernia treatment. Dr. Muschaweck currently practices at the ATOS Orthopedic Clinic in Munich, Germany, where she is a leading physician in the Department of General and Abdominal Surgery. With her wealth of experience, innovative techniques, and dedication to patient care, Dr. Muschaweck is considered a top expert in hernia surgery.

Skills & Expertise

repair technique
minimal repair technique
hernia surgery
sportsmens groin
inguinal hernia
abdominal hernia surgery
abdominal hernia


CV (Curriculum Vitae)

  • 1973 Studied human medicine at the Georg-August University of Gottingen with a license to practice medicine
  • 1974 Doctorate, General surgeon, University of Gottingen Medical School
  • 1982 Specialist training in surgery at the University Hospital in Gottingen (Univ.-Prof. H.-J. Pepper)
  • 1985 Specialist certification
  • 1989 Resident Physician at Shouldice Hospital, Toronto, Canada
  • 1975 Clinic of the University of Gottingen (Univ.-Prof. dr H.-J. Pepper)
  • 1986-1993 Senior Physician and Head of the Surgical Polyclinic University Hospital rechts der Isar Munich (Director: Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. J.R. Siewert)
  • 1989 Visiting doctor at the Shouldice Hospital in Toronto, Canada
  • 1989-1993 Head of the pilot project "Day Surgery - Inguinal Hernia" at the University Hospital rechts der Isar Munich
  • 1989-2008 Regular participation in meetings of the hernia specialists in St. Moritz
  • 1993 Establishment of the Hernia Center Dr. Muschaweck in Munich, Vienna, London, and Doha, Qatar
  • 1993-2017 Leading physician at "Hernia Center Dr. Muschaweck" Munich
  • 2008-2010 Hernia Center Vienna-Doubling
  • 2012 Additional work at the Wellington Hospital and the Fortius Clinic in London
  • 2014-2017 Consultant in the Spire Little Aston Hospital, Birmingham/UK
  • 2018 Specialist for hernias in Starnberg, Munich Airport, and London
Awards & Memberships
  • 1994-1998 Co-founder of the "Suvretta Classification" of hernia
  • 1989 Member of the American Hernia Society
  • 1993 Member of the International Advisory Boards of the European Hernia Society
  • 2001 Founding member of the German Hernia Society
  • 2007 Member of the German Society for Visceral Surgery
  • 2008 Member (Fellow) of the American College of Surgeons
  • 2010 President of the 8th Annual Meeting of the German Hernia Society
  • Member of the European Hernia Society
  • Developed two surgical techniques that have revolutionized patient care: "Minimal Repair - specifically designed for athlete's groin", and "Munich Repair for umbilical


English flag
German flag


[Sportsmen's groin : Definition, differential diagnosis and treatment].

March, 2019

Sportlerleiste: Begriffsbestimmung, Differenzialdiagnostik und Therapie

February, 2019

Web appendix 1

June, 2015


Effnerstraße, 38, 81925 Munich, Germany


Where does the doctor practice?

What is the specialization of Dr. med. Ulrike Muschaweck?

The primary specialization of the doctor is general, abdominal and hernia surgery.

What is the experience of the specialist?

Dr. med. Ulrike Muschaweck has been practicing for more than 52 years.

What do patients say about Dr. med. Ulrike Muschaweck?

The doctor has 0 review on AiroMedical and and 3 feedbacks at other places. The UserScore of the specialist is 99%.

What is the rating of the doctor?

What topics does Dr. med. Ulrike Muschaweck expert at?

The doctor has excellent knowledge in hernia, repair, groin, surgery, repair technique.

Is the specialist involved in the research?

Does the specialist offer online consultations?

Yes, Dr. med. Ulrike Muschaweck performs virtual appointments and offers a second medical opinion service.

Dr. med. Ulrike Muschaweck
Dr. med. Ulrike Muschaweck

Get individual treatment plan and cost estimate. Non-binding 100% free assessment.

© Dr. med. Ulrike Muschaweck

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