Dr. med. Patrick A. Weidle
orthopedic surgery and traumatology, spinal surgery and pain therapy
orthopedic surgery and traumatology, spinal surgery and pain therapy
Country, City
Germany, Monchengladbach
Health facility
Academic Hospital Neuwerk Monchengladbach
Medical unit
Department of spine surgery
5.0 on Google
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patient reviews on Google
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
spinal surgery
orthopedic surgery
pain therapy
root ganglion
dorsal root ganglion
hand surgery

Common disease back pain - Interview with Dr. Patrick A. Weidle

Dr. med. Patrick A. Weidle, chief physician of the Musculoskeletal Center

CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- 1995-2001 Study of medicine at the Rhine-Westphalian Technical Aachen University
- 2001-2002 Study of human medicine at the University of Duesseldorf (optional one-year practical course in neurology)
- Specialist in orthopedics and traumatology
- Examination of radiation protection
- Expertise in rescue medicine
- Advanced training for the additional appointment acupuncture
- 2003-2006 Department of traumatology and hand surgery at the University Hospital Duesseldorf
- 2006-2011 Department of orthopedics, University Hospital Essen
- 2011-2012 Department of orthopedics and traumatology, University Hospital Bochum
- 2012 Head of the Department of orthopedics and traumatology at the Hospital Neuwerk Moenchengladbach
Awards & Memberships
- Member of the working group on spinal diseases
- Member of the German Society for Orthopaedics and Orthopaedic Surgery
- Member of the German Spine Society
- Member of the European Spine Society
- Member of the Interdisciplinary Society of Orthopedic/Trauma Surgery and General Pain Therapy
- Member of the Spine Intervention Society
- Listed in the FOCUS physician lists for spinal surgery and chronic pain
Alternative Dorsal Root Ganglion Neuromodulation Electrode Implantation: A Report of 2 Cases with 3 Different Techniques.
September, 2023
The Impact of Dorsal Root Ganglion Stimulation on Pain Levels and Functionality in Patients With Chronic Postsurgical Knee Pain.
1 December, 2022
A prospective, international, randomized, noninferiority study comparing an titanium implantable vertebral augmentation device versus balloon kyphoplasty in the reduction of vertebral compression fractures (SAKOS study).
December, 2020
Dünner Str., 214-216, 41066 Monchengladbach, Germany
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Dr. med. Patrick A. Weidle?
The primary specialization of the doctor is orthopedic surgery and traumatology, spinal surgery and pain therapy.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Dr. med. Patrick A. Weidle has been practicing for more than 23 years.

Dr. med. Patrick A. Weidle
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