Dr. med. Normen Schatz
orthopedics, foot, trauma surgery, and emergency medicine
orthopedics, foot, trauma surgery, and emergency medicine
Country, City
Germany, Breisach am Rhein
Health facility
Helios Rosmann Hospital Breisach
Medical unit
Department of endoprosthetics
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
orthopedic surgery
foot surgery
emergency medicine
trauma surgery
ankle surgery
orthopedic care
foot trauma
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- 1998 Training as a paramedic at the Muellheim Sister Clinic
- 1998-2005 Studied human medicine at the University of Ulm and the University of Freiburg
- Obtaining a license for medical practice
- 2005-2012 Resident at the Department of orthopedic surgery at the Rheinfelden District Hospital
- Obtaining specialization in orthopedics and trauma surgery
- 2008 Received additional qualifications in the field of emergency medicine
- 2013 Foot surgery certificate from the Society for Foot and Ankle Surgery
- 1996-1998 Nursing internship at the Hospital Breisach
- 2012-2013 Department of orthopedic surgery at the Rheinfelden District Hospital
- 2013-2016 Senior Physician of the Department of orthopedic surgery at the Rheinfelden District Hospital
- 2016-2019 Senior Consultant of the Department of orthopedic surgery at the Rheinfelden District Hospital
- 2019 Senior Physician of the Department of endoprosthetics at the Helios Rosmann Hospital Breisach
- 2020 Senior Emergency Doctors in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district and Freiburg city district
- 2021 Medical Director of the Department of endoprosthetics at the Helios Rosmann Hospital Breisach
- Coordinator of the certified EndoProsthetics Center at the Helios Rosmann Hospital Breisach
Awards & Memberships
- Active Member of the Breisach volunteer fire brigade
- Member of the Breisach emergency doctor group
Zeppelinstraße, 37, 79206 Breisach am Rhein, Germany
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Dr. med. Normen Schatz?
The primary specialization of the doctor is orthopedics, foot, trauma surgery, and emergency medicine.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Dr. med. Normen Schatz has been practicing for more than 20 years.

Dr. med. Normen Schatz
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