Dr. Betul Turan
physical therapy and rehabilitation
physical therapy and rehabilitation
Country, City
Turkey, Bursa
Health facility
Turan & Turan Hospital
Medical unit
Department of physical therapy and rehabilitation
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
physical therapy

Exercises for posture disorders - Exercise recommendations to prevent posture disorders

Fibromyalgia (Muscle Rheumatism) Exercises (2022) I Turan Turan Health Group

Exercises Against Bone Melting (Osteoporosis) I Turan Turan Health Group
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- 1983-1990 Studied human medicine at the Istanbul University
- Obtaining a license for medical practice
- 1990-1994 Residency at the Uludag University
- 1995-1999 Marmara University Institute of Health Sciences Electrodiagnostic Neurology
- Obtaining specialization in physical therapy and rehabilitation
- 1997 Visiting Fellow of the University of Illinois
- 1997 Visiting Fellow of the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
- 1994-1998 Department of physical therapy and rehabilitation at the Uludag University Faculty of Medicine
- 1998-2004 Department of physical therapy and rehabilitation at the Bursa Cekirge State Hospital
- 2004-2014 Turan & Turan Medical Center
- 2015 Department of physical therapy and rehabilitation at the Turan & Turan Hospital
Awards & Memberships
- Member of the Turkish Society of Physicians Specializing in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Member of the Turkish Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Association
- Member of the American Academy of Physical Medicine&Rehabilitation
- Member of the Robotic Surgery Association
- Member of the Turkish Medical Association
Ulubatlı Hasan Blv., No:48, 16220 Bursa, Turkey
Where does the doctor practice?
Dr. Betul Turan works at Turan & Turan Hospital.
What is the specialization of Dr. Betul Turan?
The primary specialization of the doctor is physical therapy and rehabilitation.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Dr. Betul Turan has been practicing for more than 35 years.

Dr. Betul Turan
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© Dr. Betul Turan