Dr. med. Andreas Hofschneider
internal medicine, therapeutic and cancer rehabilitation, cardiology
internal medicine, therapeutic and cancer rehabilitation, cardiology
Country, City
Germany, Bad Wiessee
Health facility
Rehabilitation Clinic Jagerwinkel Bad Wiessee
Medical unit
Department of internal medicine, cancer and post-COVID-19 rehabilitation
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
internal medicine
cancer rehabilitation
rehabilitation covid19
emergency medicine
cardiac cancer
intensive care
viral infections
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- 1995-2003 Study of human medicine at the University of Vienna, Austria
- 2002 Unit for acute respiratory viral infections, Queen Anne Hospital, the University of the West Indies in Barbados
- 2002 Department of cardiothoracic surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School in Boston
- 2002 Unit for chest pain, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School in Boston
- 2004 Admission to medical practice
- 2011 Board certification in internal medicine, Bavarian Medical Association Munich
- 2012-2013 Board certification in internal medicine and emergency medicine, Department of hematology and oncology, Hospital Nuremberg
- 2013-2014 Training in cardiology, Franconian Switzerland Hospital Ebermannstadt
- 2016 Board certification in cardiology, Bavarian Medical Association Munich
- 2004-2007 Assistant Physician, Department of general and intensive care, Franziskus Hospital Bielefeld
- 2007 Intern, Department of internal medicine, Empress Elisabeth Hospital Vienna
- 2007-2008 Assistant Physician, Department of Cardiology, Hospital Nuremberg
- 2008-2009 Assistant Physician, emergency and intensive care unit, Hospital Nuremberg
- 2009 - 2010 Assistant Physician, Department of hematology and oncology, Hospital Nuremberg
- 2011 Assistant Physician, Department of gastroenterology, Hospital Altdorf
- 2015-2018 Senior Physician, Department of internal medicine and cardiology, Medical Park Clinic Bad Wiessee
- 2018 Chief Physician of the Department of general therapeutic, cardiac, cancer rehabilitation and rehabilitation after COVID-19 at the Specialized Rehabilitation Clinic Jagerwinkel Bad Wiessee
Sonnenfeldweg, 20, 83707 Bad Wiessee, Germany
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Dr. med. Andreas Hofschneider?
The primary specialization of the doctor is internal medicine, therapeutic and cancer rehabilitation, cardiology.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Dr. med. Andreas Hofschneider has been practicing for more than 22 years.

Dr. med. Andreas Hofschneider
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© Dr. med. Andreas Hofschneider