Dr. Gürkan Metin
aesthetic dentistry, dental implantation, veneers, dentistry
aesthetic dentistry, dental implantation, veneers, dentistry
Country, City
Turkey, Izmir
Health facility
Dent Glow Clinic Izmir
Medical unit
Department of dentistry
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
aesthetic dentistry
dental implantation veneers
orthodontic mechanics
intraoral lesions
invasive implantology
implantation veneers
laminate veneers
dental implantation
facial intraoral lesions
root canal treatment
oral care
bad breath
dry mouth
temporomandibular joint
gum diseases
dental fillings
preventive medicine
tooth sensitivity
dental prosthesis types
jaw surgery
oral surgery
sleep apnea
teeth grinding
teeth whitening
aesthetic dental prostheses
resin composite restorations
bicon dental implants
closing diastemas resin
approaches oral lesions
applied composite veneer
bleaching aesthetic approaches
porcelain laminate veneer
transparent removable aligners
bleaching aesthetic
surgical prosthetic
dental health
zimmer implants

CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- 1998 Graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry of the Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey
- 1998 Certificate of Attendance, Implantology, Bleaching, and New Aesthetic Approaches, EDAD (Esthetic Dentistry Academy), President Dt. Galip Gürel, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ata Anıl
- 2002 Certificate of Attendance, Conference Speaker, Children's Dental Health, Private Izmir High School, General Manager Mummer Gezginci
- 2006 Certificate of Attendance, Career Introduction and Career Days, Izmir Bornova College, Elementary School Principal Müşerref Güngör, High School Principal Nevzat Karaköse, Bornova College Founder Representative Bülent Aydoğdu
- 2006 Certificate of Attendance, 1st Introduction to Implant and Applied Implant Course, Zimmer Implants, Spec. Dr. Orhun Bengisu, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cenk Cura, Prof. Dr. Tayfun Günbay
- 2009 Certificate of Attendance, 1st National EDAD Izmir Seminar, Academy of Esthetic Dentistry Association, Chamber of Dentists, Dr. Haşmet Gökdeniz, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ata Anıl
- 2010 Certificate of Attendance, Surgical and Prosthetic Principle Course, BICON Dental Implants, Spec. Dr. Orhun Bengisu
- 2010 Certificate of Training, Trainer Dentist Training, Turkish Dental Association, Prof. Dr. M. Murat Akkaya
- 2010 Certificate of Attendance, 14th Aegean Region Chambers of Dentist International Scientific Congress and Exhibition, Prof. Dr. Celal Artunç
- 2011 Certificate of Attendance, Current Approaches in Oral Lesions, Ege University Council on Facial and Intraoral Lesions (EGEYA) 2nd Scientific Meeting, Prof. Dr. Atilla Yavuzer, Prof. Dr. Fezal Özdemir, Prof. Dr. Murat Gomel, Prof. Dr. Günnur Lomçalı
- 2011 Pushing the Limits in Adhesive Dentistry, Toros Dental Ltd., Spec. Dr. Orhun Bengisu, Dr. Musani M.Franko
- 2012 Certificate of Trainee, Orthodontic Treatment Systems with Transparent Removable Aligners, Dr. Nils Stucki, Prof. Dr. Taeweon Kim, 18th Aegean Region Chambers of Dentist International Scientific Congress and Exhibition
- 2015 Training Seminar in the Use of Platelet Plasma Therapy (PRP) in Facial Aesthetics, Pamela Cushing RGN INP MSc, Innomed Training Academy
- 2015 Intensive Course in Orthodontics, Prof. Saulo Gribel, Prof. Anderson Mamede, Instituto Modal
- 2015 Initiation Course in Orthodontics and Jaw Functional, Prof. Saulo Gribel, Prof. Anderson Mamede, Instudio Modal
- 2015 Training Seminar in the Use of Botulinum Toxin Type-A (Botox and Dysport) in Facial Aesthetics for Upper-Face Indications, Dr. Xavier Goodarzian & Independent Nurse Prescriber Pam Cushing, Innomed Training Academy
- 2015 Training Seminar in the Advanced Use of Botulinum Toxin Type-A (Botox and Dysport) in Facial Aesthetics for Lower-Face and Neck Indications, Dr. Xavier Goodarzian & Independent Nurse Prescriber Pam Cushing, Innomed Training Academy
- 2015 Training Seminar in the Use of Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Fillers in Facial Aesthetics, Indications Include: Nasolabial Folds, Marionette Lines, Oral Commissures, Dr. Xavier Goodarzian & Independent Nurse Prescriber Pam Cushing, Innomed Training Academy
- 2015 Training Seminar in the Advanced Uses of Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Fillers in Facial Aesthetics, Indications Include: Lips, Facial Contouring and Skin Hydration, Dr. Xavier Goodarzian & Independent Nurse Prescriber Pam Cushing, Innomed Training Academy
- 2015 Mesotherapy for Skin Rejuvenation Using the Nappage Technique, Independent Nurse Prescriber Pam Cushing, Innomed Training Academy
- 2015 Collagen Induction Therapy Using a Dermal Roller Device, Independent Nurse Prescriber Pam Cushing, Innomed Training Academy
- 2016 Porcelain Laminate Veneer Training, Assoc. Prof. Atila Ertan, Assoc. Prof. Ali Murat Kökat, Heraeus Kulzer Mitsui Chemicals Group, DENTSEM, 2016
- 2016 Applied Composite Veneer Training, Prof. Dr. Esra Can, Heraeus Kulzer Mitsui Chemicals Group, DENTSEM3
- 2016 Training of Closing Diastemas with Resin Composite Restorations, Assoc. Prof. Haktan Yurdagüven, Heraeus Kulzer Mitsui Chemicals Group, DENTSEM
- 2016 The Conventional and Contemporary Orthodontic Mechanics & Orthodontic Micro-Implant’s Seminar, Prof. Dr. Luiz Fernando ETO, Dr. Dt. Banu Yeşilbelek, ClinicaEto
- 2016 TRINIA Training, BICON Dental Implants
- 2016 Jaw Functional Orthodontics Seminar, PhD. Patricia Valerio, PhD Banu Yeşilbelek, Patricia Valerio Institute
- 2016 Fixed Orthodontics Seminar, PhD. Patricia Valerio, PhD Banu Yeşilbelek, Patricia Valerio Institute
- 2017 Certificate of Completion, Bio progressive, Prof. Saulo Gribel, Prof. Anderson Mamede, Faculdade Modal
- 2017 Certificate of Attendance, Conference Speaker, BICON Case Presentation, BICON Dental Implants
- 2017 Certificate of Honor, BICON Implant Honorary Physician, BICON Dental Implants
- 2018 Certificate of Attendance, Symposium on Oral Mucosal Diseases & Ege University Meeting of the Council on Facial and Intraoral Lesions (EGEYA), Prof. Dr. Fazıl Apaydın, Prof. Dr. Can Ceylan
- 2018 Certificate of Attendance, Minimal Invasive Implantology and Prosthetic Techniques, Assoc. Prof. Nejat Nizam, Prof. Dr. Bülent Gökçe
- 2018 Certificate of Attendance, Advanced Jaw Functional Orthopedics, PhD. Patricia Valerio, PhD. Banu Yesilbek
- 2018 A Practical Day with Bilge Hakan Şen (Endodontics)
- 2022 Periodontology Knowledge and Skill Update, Soft Tissue Surgeries, Prof. Dr.Korkud Demirel, 2022
- 2022 Certificate of Attendance, Implant Planning from Surgical Guide with 3D Imaging, Ege University Faculty of Dentistry, Prof. Dr. Güniz Baksı Şen, Prof. Dr. Nazan Ersin
- 2023 Seminar & Workshop Attendance Certificate, Update on the Definition of Success in Porcelain Laminate Veneers, Dr. Selim Çömelekoğlu, Dr. Kübel İltan Özkut
- 1998-2000 Dentist at the General Health Polyclinic, Ankara
- 2000-2008 Dentist and Partner at the Private Izmir General Health Polyclinic
- Since 2021 Owner and Chief Dentist at the Dent Glow Clinic, Izmir
Awards & Memberships
- Member of the Turkish Dental Association-TDB
Where does the doctor practice?
Dr. Gürkan Metin works at Dent Glow Clinic Izmir.
What is the specialization of Dr. Gürkan Metin?
The primary specialization of the doctor is aesthetic dentistry, dental implantation, veneers, dentistry.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Dr. Gürkan Metin has been practicing for more than 27 years.

Dr. Gürkan Metin
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