Dr. Francesca Facchini
orthopedics, traumatology, sports medicine, regenerative medicine
orthopedics, traumatology, sports medicine, regenerative medicine
Country, City
Italy, Milan
Health facility
IRCCS Galeazzi Hospital Sant'Ambrogio
Medical unit
Department of regenerative medicine
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
orthopedics traumatology
sports medicine regenerative
orthopedics traumatology sports
specialized orthopedics traumatology
sports medicine
regenerative medicine
sport trauma
orthopedic doctor
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- 2007 Graduated from the Faculty of medicine and surgery of the Milan State University
- 2013 Specialized in orthopedics and traumatology at the Milan State University
- 2011-2013 Accompanying doctor of the men's and women's national snowboard and freestyle teams of the Italian Winter Sports Federation
- 2012 Accompanying doctor during the "Tour in Brazil 2012" for the La Scala Theater in Milan Foundation
- 2012 Orthopedic doctor at the Ospedale Saint Jean de Dieux, Afagnan, Togo
- 2012-2014 Accompanying doctor of the national women's hockey teams (Italian Ice Sports Federation)
- 2018 Head of medical care at the ISU (International Skating Union) World Figure Skating Championship
- Orthopedic physician at the Sport Trauma and Research Center at the Istituto Clinico San Siro
Awards & Memberships
- Competition doctor organizing committee of the European Gymnastics Championships
via C. Belgioioso, 173, 20157 Milan, Italy
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Dr. Francesca Facchini?
The primary specialization of the doctor is orthopedics, traumatology, sports medicine, regenerative medicine.
What is the rating of the doctor?
Dr. Francesca Facchini is rated as 9.80 by AiroMedical.

Dr. Francesca Facchini
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