Dr. Filippo De Marinis
pulmonology and thoracic oncology
pulmonology and thoracic oncology
Country, City
Italy, Milan
Health facility
European Institute of Oncology Milan
Medical unit
Department of thoracic oncology
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
lung cancer
nonsmallcell lung cancer
thoracic oncology
egfr mutations
platinumbased chemotherapy
epidermal growth
lung carcinoma
lung adenocarcinoma
pleural mesothelioma
malignant pleural mesothelioma
smallcell lung cancer
thoracic radiotherapy
thoracic irradiation
alkpositive lung cancer
lung tissue
inoperable lung cancer
lung malignancies
lung neoplasms
thymic carcinoma
lung carcinoids
bronchogenic carcinoma
pulmonary tuberculosis
sarcomatoid carcinoma
nonsmallcell carcinoma
bronchoalveolar lavage
chronic bronchitis
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- Studied human medicine
- Obtaining a license for medical practice
- 1971-1978 Studied at the University of Rome "Wisdom" with the defense of experimental thesis: "Polichemotherapy in the treatment of primitive lung carcinoma at III study not surgical operable: analysis of secondary toxicity immediate and delayed referring the response and the survival"
- 1977-1978 Trainee of the Department of pneumology at the Carlo Forlanini Hospital in Rome
- 1978 Obtaining specialization in pulmonology at the medical and surgery faculty of phthisiology at the University of Rome "Wisdom" with the defense of experimental graduation thesis: "Chronic bronchitis and allergies"
- 1982 Residency at the Department of oncology at the San Giovanni Bellinzona Hospital
- 1983-1986 Received additional qualifications in the field of oncology at the University of Rome "Catholic of the Sacred Heart" with the defense of experimental thesis: "Clinical aspects of bone metastasis from primitive lung carcinoma"
- 1984-1991 Assistant in pulmonary and Special Assistant of the pulmonological division of the Carlo Forlanini Hospital
- 1987-1991 Resident at the Department of pulmonology of the Carlo Forlanini Hospital
- 1989 European conference on clinical oncology at the European Society for Medical Oncology in London
- 1991-1995 Special Assistant of pulmonology at the Carlo Forlanini Hospital in Rome
- 1979-1980 Sanitary Service Manager at the division of pneumology at the Forlanini Hospital
- 1989 Pneumologist Director at the Carlo Forlanini Hospital in Rome
- 1990 Consultant for pneumology in medical colleges at the Forensic Medicine Office of the Ministry of Health
- 1993-1996 Professor at the Clinical Studies Institute and Pneumopthisiological Researches
- 1995 -1998 Responsible for functional module at the Carlo Forlanini Hospital in Rome
- 1998-2000 Executive Manager of the operative unit in oncological pulmonary at the Carlo Forlanini Hospital in Rome
- 2000-2013 Director of the oncological pulmonary unit at the San Camillo and Forlanini Hospitals
- 2007-2010 Professor in oncology at the Private University of Rome “Biomedical campus”
- 2007-2012 Professor in oncology at the University of Rome
- 2013 Director of the Department of thoracic oncology at the European Institute of Oncology Milan
Awards & Memberships
- 1985-1989 Teacher of social medicine at the Professional Nurses School of the Carlo Forlanini Hospital in Rome
- 1996-1998 Teacher at the parallel courses of the Biomedical Sciences and Oncology Superior School in Rome and Cagliari
- Member of the Scientific Italian and International Associations
- Founding Member and President of the Italian Thoracic Oncology Association
- Regional and National Counselor of the Italian Medical Oncology Association
- Member of the European Society of Medical Oncology
- Member of the American Society of Clinical Oncology
- Member of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer
- Member of the European Thoracic Oncology Platform
- Speaker and Chair to more than 300 national and international congresses
Dostarlimab or pembrolizumab plus chemotherapy in previously untreated metastatic non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer: the randomized PERLA phase II trial.
11 November, 2023
EP07.04-06 ALK Rearrangement Is Associated with Early Lymphatic Spread in Resected LUAD with Negative Preoperative Mediastinal Staging
November, 2023
SAPPHIRE: Phase III Study of Sitravatinib Plus Nivolumab Versus Docetaxel in Advanced Non-Squamous Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.
11 October, 2023
Via Giuseppe Ripamonti, 435, 20141 Milan, Italy
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Dr. Filippo De Marinis?
The primary specialization of the doctor is pulmonology and thoracic oncology .
What is the experience of the specialist?
Dr. Filippo De Marinis has been practicing for more than 54 years.

Dr. Filippo De Marinis
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