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Dr. Bordoni Luca working place, Maria Cecilia Hospital
Dr. Bordoni Luca

Dr. Bordoni Luca

proctology and general surgery
proctology and general surgery
User ScoreExperienceRatingPrice RangeOnline Consultations
97%32 years9.8/10$$$Yes


Country, City
Italy, Cotignola
Health facility
Maria Cecilia Hospital
Medical unit
Department of proctology

About the doctor

Dr. Bordoni Luca is a highly experienced doctor specializing in proctology and general surgery. With over 30 years of experience, he has established himself as a respected professional in the medical field. Dr. Luca has an impressive career, having worked at various renowned institutions in Italy. He has obtained a license for medical practice and completed his specialization in general surgery, with additional qualifications in emergency surgery and first aid. Dr. Luca has also conducted research on the use of blood and derivatives in surgical practice, demonstrating his commitment to advancing medical knowledge. Currently, he is working at the Maria Cecilia Hospital in Cotignola, Italy, in the Department of Proctology. This department specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases related to the rectum and anus. Dr. Luca's extensive experience and expertise make him well-equipped to provide exceptional care to patients in need. Dr. Luca's career highlights his dedication to continuous learning and improvement. He has participated in numerous courses and programs both in Italy and abroad, honing his skills in advanced laparoscopy and gaining valuable insights from other medical professionals. This commitment to ongoing education ensures that Dr. Luca is up-to-date with the latest advancements in his field, resulting in the delivery of high-quality and innovative treatments to his patients. In summary, Dr. Bordoni Luca is a highly skilled and experienced doctor specializing in proctology and general surgery. His impressive career, wealth of experience, and dedication to continuous learning make him an excellent choice for patients seeking top-quality healthcare.

Skills & Expertise

general surgery
pelvic floor
digestive endoscopy
colorectal eporediensis
proctological surgery


CV (Curriculum Vitae)

  • 1993 Studied human medicine in Milan
  • 1990-1995 Internal student at the Department of emergency surgery of the Hospital of Milan
  • Obtaining a license for medical practice
  • 1994 Institutional and experimental operating room at the Lerida Hospital within the Erasmus program as a scholarship from the University of Milan
  • 1995 Scholarship to carry out research on the topic: "Verification and control of the use of blood and derivatives in surgical practice of the Major Hospital in Milan"
  • Obtaining specialization in general surgery
  • 1998 Received additional qualifications in the field of emergency surgery and first aid
  • 2000-2001 Attended the Colorectal Eporediensis Center in Ivrea
  • 2005 Attended the proctology center of the Treviso Hospital
  • Participated in Italy and abroad in courses on the animal model for learning the techniques of "Advanced laparoscopy"
  • 1996-1997 Division of general surgery at the Cittiglio Hospital
  • 1998 Anesthesia service at the Cittiglio Hospital
  • 1999 Medical Director at the Department of emergency medicine (critical and traumatological area) of the Circolo-Varese Hospital
  • 2000-2016 Medical Director of general surgery with digestive endoscopy at the Macchi-Varese Hospital
  • 2009 Referent of proctology for general surgery at the Circolo Hospital in Varese
  • 2013-2017 Head of the proctology at the ASST Stte Laghi of Varese
  • 2016 Functional unit of proctology and pelviperineology of the Humanitas Gavazzeni
  • 2017 Head of the general and proctological surgery unit of the Iseni Sanita group in Lonate Pozzolo
  • 2022 Head of the functional unit of proctology and pathology of the pelvic floor at the Villa Aprica Clinical Institute in Como of the San Donato group
  • Department of proctology at the Formed Medical Center in Milan
  • Specialist proctological visits in the province of Bergamo
  • Department of proctology at the Galleana Polyclinic in Piacenza
  • Department of proctology at the Medical Point Specialist Clinic
  • Department of proctology at the La Vida Medical Group in Termoli
  • Department of proctology at the Benvita Medical Center in Monza
  • Department of proctology at the Studio Costa in Treviglio
  • Department of proctology at the Meditel Rovellasca Medical Center
  • Department of proctology at the Specialist Clinic "Casa della Salute" in Busalla
  • Department of proctology at the Borgomanero of Novara
  • Department of proctology at the Polyspecialist Center Naples
  • Department of proctology at the Maria Cecilia Hospital
Awards & Memberships
  • 1997 Freelancer at the Department of emergency medicine of the Mater Domini Nursing Home in Castellanza
  • 2000-2010 Member of the provincial hunting commission of Varese as Commissioner in Charge of the first aid expert for the achievement of the hunting qualification


English flag
Italian flag


Via Corriera, 1, 48033 Cotignola, Italy


Where does the doctor practice?

What is the specialization of Dr. Bordoni Luca?

The primary specialization of the doctor is proctology and general surgery.

What is the experience of the specialist?

Dr. Bordoni Luca has been practicing for more than 32 years.

What is the rating of the doctor?

Dr. Bordoni Luca is rated as 9.80 by AiroMedical.

What topics does Dr. Bordoni Luca expert at?

The doctor has excellent knowledge in proctology, surgery, general surgery, emergency, colorectal.

Does the specialist offer online consultations?

Yes, Dr. Bordoni Luca performs virtual appointments and offers a second medical opinion service.

Dr. Bordoni Luca
Dr. Bordoni Luca

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© Dr. Bordoni Luca

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