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Dr. Berdondini Elisa working place, Saint Caterina da Siena Clinic Turin
Dr. Berdondini Elisa

Dr. Berdondini Elisa

urology and reconstructive surgery
urology and reconstructive surgery
User ScoreExperienceTotal ReviewsRatingPrice RangePublicationsOnline Consultations
88%27 years169.2/10$$$62Yes


Country, City
Italy, Turin
Health facility
Saint Caterina da Siena Clinic Turin
Medical unit
Department of reconstructive surgery of the urethra and genitals
5.0 on Google
The data collected based on 16 patient reviews on Google

About the doctor

Dr. Berdondini Elisa is a highly experienced urologist and reconstructive surgeon with 25 years of practice. She obtained her medical license in 1998 and went on to specialize in urology at the University of Florence in 2005. Throughout her career, Dr. Berdondini has worked in various prestigious institutions, including the Italian Center of Reference for Urethral and Male Genital Surgery, the Humanity Furnace in Turin, and the Clinic Seats of Wisdom in Turin. One of the unique aspects of Dr. Berdondini's career is her extensive involvement in the field of reconstructive surgery of the urethra and genitals. She is currently the head of the Department of reconstructive surgery of the urethra and genitals at the Saint Caterina da Siena Clinic in Turin. Dr. Berdondini is also a member of several professional organizations, including the Italian Society of Urology, the Italian Urologists Association, and the European Association of Urology. Dr. Berdondini has published 62 scientific papers focusing on urethral and genital surgery, tissue regeneration techniques, and the management of urogenital pathologies. Her research and expertise in these areas make her a highly sought-after specialist. With her vast experience, dedication to patient care, and ongoing research efforts, Dr. Berdondini is undoubtedly an excellent choice for individuals needing urological and reconstructive surgical interventions.

Skills & Expertise

bulbar urethroplasty
urethral genital surgery
reconstructive surgery
sexual life
lichen sclerosus
urethral reconstruction
urethral stricture
anterior urethroplasty
mucosa graft
graft urethroplasty
tissue regeneration
penile lesions
penissparing surgery
urogenital pathologies
ventral approach
urinary diversion
cutaneous urinary diversion
bulbar urethral reconstruction
mucosa graft urethroplasty
malignant penile lesions
contemporary urethral stricture
stent failure
stoma stenosis
urethral repairs
oral grafts
ejaculatory function
distal urethroplasty
posterior urethroplasty
regeneration techniques
urethral stent
urethral diverticula
sexual dysfunctions
prostate cancer


CV (Curriculum Vitae)

  • 1998 Studied human medicine
  • Obtaining a license for medical practice
  • 2005 Obtaining specialization in urology at the University of Florence
  • 2005-2015 Italian Center of Reference for Urethral and Male Genital Surgery in Arezzo
  • 2015 Consultant for reconstructive urethral and genital surgery at the Humanity Furnace in Turin
  • 2021 Consultant for reconstructive urethral and genital surgery at the Clinic Seats of Wisdom in Turin
  • 2022 Head of the Department of reconstructive surgery of the urethra and genitals at the Saint Caterina da Siena Clinic Turin
  • 2022 Consultant in urethral and genital surgery at the Monza Polyclinic in Turin and Vercelli
  • Consultant in urethral and genital surgery at the Villa Maria Group in Faenza and Ravenna
  • Consultant in urethral and genital surgery at the Laserplast Institute in Milan
Awards & Memberships
  • 2019 Collaboration with Dr. Andrea Margara, a plastic surgeon, to develop a new tissue regeneration technique for urogenital pathologies through the use of ultra-filtered adipose tissue
  • Member of the Italian Society of Urology
  • Member of the Italian Urologists Association
  • Member of the Private Urologists Association
  • Member of the Italian Society of Urodynamics
  • Member of the European Association of Urology
  • Member of the United Arab Emirates section of genito-urinary reconstructive surgeons


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41 - Ventral onlay buccal mucosa graft urethroplasty for female urethral stricture: Medium-term results in our referral center

May, 2023

Ventral onlay buccal mucosa graft for female urethral stricture: Medium-term results in our referral center

February, 2023

The use of nanofat grafting in the management of urethral and genital lichen sclerosus disease

October, 2022


Via Villa della Regina, 19, 10131 Turin, Italy


Where does the doctor practice?

What is the specialization of Dr. Berdondini Elisa?

The primary specialization of the doctor is urology and reconstructive surgery.

What is the experience of the specialist?

Dr. Berdondini Elisa has been practicing for more than 27 years.

What do patients say about Dr. Berdondini Elisa?

The doctor has 0 review on AiroMedical and and 16 feedbacks at other places. The UserScore of the specialist is 88%.

What is the rating of the doctor?

Dr. Berdondini Elisa is rated as 9.20 by AiroMedical.

What topics does Dr. Berdondini Elisa expert at?

The doctor has excellent knowledge in surgery, urethroplasty, genital, reconstruction, bulbar urethroplasty.

Is the specialist involved in the research?

Does the specialist offer online consultations?

Yes, Dr. Berdondini Elisa performs virtual appointments and offers a second medical opinion service.

Dr. Berdondini Elisa
Dr. Berdondini Elisa

Get individual treatment plan and cost estimate. Non-binding 100% free assessment.

© Dr. Berdondini Elisa

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