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Best Hospitals for Whipple Procedure in Europe image

Best Hospitals for Whipple Procedure in Europe

Whipple surgery is a complex procedure for treating various diseases of the pancreas. To date, it is the most effective way to fight pancreatic cancer and prolong and improve the patient's quality of life. Next, we will tell you what a Whipple procedure is and what successes have been achieved in this direction. You can also learn about the best clinics and surgeons for such an operation.
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Second Opinion from German Oncologist

The "second opinion" service in oncology is becoming increasingly in demand, thanks to the opportunity to receive qualified advice without leaving home. Despite the apparent progress in medicine and science, the doctor cannot always make the correct diagnosis. Many depend on the doctors' experience, the clinic's technical capabilities, and even the patient's behavior.
Best clinics for Lutetium in Germany image

Best clinics for Lutetium in Germany

Nuclear medicine uses radionuclide particles to detect and treat various diseases, including heart, gastrointestinal disorders, cancer, and endocrine glands. These radio particles reach their target tissues in the bloodstream and are connected with certain organs. Finally, target cells are exposed to irradiation.
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Metastatic Cancer Treatment in Germany

When at least one of the trillions of normal cells in the body is reborn into cancer, the trigger is triggered, and the tumor grows. As the disease progresses, some cancer cells form metastases — secondary tumors. And often, even timely removal and postoperative therapy cannot cause remission. It is believed that 90% of cancer deaths are associated with metastasis. Nevertheless, there are successes in the treatment of metastatic cancer and considerable ones. In clinics in Germany, Israel, Turkey, and the USA, all modern techniques are used for this.
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Epilepsy treatment in Germany

Around 65 million people worldwide struggle with epilepsy, one of the most severe neurological diseases. Patients have everyday problems such as social isolation, dependency, unemployment, etc. With the help of modern diagnostic methods, the disease is quickly revealed, and patients with diagnosed conditions can be effectively treated.
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Stage 4 Cancer Treatment in Germany

New cancer treatment methods have already made it possible to bring the survival rate of patients in the early stages to values approaching 100%. But the 4th stage of cancer, when the tumor has metastasized to other organs, is no longer a verdict or terminal stage. So what approaches can provide treatment of metastases, and in what cases is there a possibility of a complete cure for metastatic cancer? Let's find out more.