Size & Capacity
Medium, 136 beds
Clinic type
Type of care
Inpatient, Outpatient
Age group
3.2 on Google
The data collected based on 47 patient reviews on Google
Features & Facts
About the clinic
Primary focus
Departments & Doctors

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Working at Vivantes Ida-Wolff Hospital

Vivantes Ida Wolff Hospital
Extra services
Zadekstraße 46, 12351 Berlin, Germany
Is chronic pain treatment available at the center?
Doctors use a massive list of methods to combat pain, including Kinesio taping and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation for normalization of the length of muscles, using CONTRACT-RELAX or HOLD-RELAX techniques. The IDOGO and Qigong also give significant pain relief.
Can I treat depression at Vivantes Hospital Ida Wolff Berlin-Neukolln?
Clinic doctors widely use neuropsychology to help in crises, stressful situations, and depression. An important is behavioral therapy, which has good results in psychological support. With the latest cure, patients complete tasks on a computer, which helps assess progress and stay motivated.
Can elderly people be treated at the hospital?
The hospital effectively treats diseases of the elderly, such as brain disorders in dementia, acute and chronic lung diseases, circulatory disorders after a stroke, or broken bones after a fall. In addition, cooperation between departments is provided for cases of various conditions.

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© Vivantes Hospital Ida Wolff Berlin-Neukolln