Size & Capacity
Medium, 192 beds
Clinic type
Type of care
Inpatient, Outpatient
Age group
3.5 on Google
The data collected based on 76 patient reviews on Google
Features & Facts
About the clinic
Extra services
Konrad-Regler-Straße 1, 85110 Kipfenberg, Germany
Should I choose VAMED Rehabilitation Clinic Kipfenberg for chronic pain?
A physiotherapeutic approach in the form of electro and hydrotherapy, as well as massages and special exercises, helps reduce pain in neurological and orthopedic patients. Also, doctors use the most gentle medicines of recent generations to reduce harm to health.
Will I be able to reduce the symptoms of Parkinson's in the hospital?
Bobath, Affolter, or PNF helps restrain unnecessary impulse conduction along the nerve endings. In addition, a special assessment of the gait and its correction contribute to greater patient confidence. In this way, tremors and risks of falls are reduced, and the quality of life is improved.
What is the uniqueness of the rehabilitation center?
The clinic offers early rehabilitation almost immediately after treating an acute condition. This approach contributes to a better and faster recovery and prevents patients from being on ventilators for too long. Self-feeding and tube weaning are also available.

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