Size & Capacity
Small, 17 beds
Clinic type
Type of care
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3.7 on Google
The data collected based on 24 patient reviews on Google
Features & Facts
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Bleickenallee 38, 22763 Hamburg, Germany
Should I choose VAMED Rehabilitation Clinic Altona to improve movement in cerebral palsy?
Occupational therapists and rehabilitators offer a wide range of restorative options for smoother and more confident movements for patients with cerebral palsy. A detailed individual analysis of all existing violations allows the development of the most effective program.
Can I recover my child after surgery in the clinic?
The medical center works with patients who have undergone surgery due to injuries, hernias, joint replacements, or bone corrections. Even complex interventions on the foot and hand can be rehabilitated thanks to the extensive experience of the hospital's specialists.
Is the medical center suitable for treatment from an early age?
Rehabilitation in the center for the tiniest patients is a good choice due to the possibility of developing the nervous system most efficiently. In addition, parents are actively involved in maintenance and care training, massages, and exercises, which is helpful for post-treatment at home.

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© VAMED Rehabilitation Clinic Altona Hamburg