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VAMED Outpatient Rehabilitation Clinic Norderstedt

VAMED Outpatient Rehabilitation Clinic Norderstedt

Norderstedt, Germany

User ScoreTotal ReviewsRatingPrice RangeMedia FilesCertificatesFounded InPatientsOwnershipAge GroupClinic TypeType of CareSizeOnline Consultations
81%537.9/10$511987501Private hospitalAdultsSpecializedOutpatientSmallNo




Clinic type


Type of care


Age group


3.3 on Google

The data collected based on 53 patient reviews on Google


Features & Facts

The time-tested therapy concept
For 30 years rehabilitation center in Norderstedt has offered its patients individual medical care and outpatient rehabilitation after operations, accidents, sports injuries, and orthopedic diseases.
Solid rehabilitation experience
An interdisciplinary team of physiotherapists, orthopedists, and neurologists annually accompanies 490+ patients on their way to health, taking care of their maximum possible social and professional reintegration.
Intensive postoperative rehabilitation
The hospital was the 1st of its type in northern Germany. It specializes in aftercare for joint endoprostheses and rehabilitation after complex injuries and surgeries. The outpatient concept directly transfers developed skills to daily life.
Outstanding rehabilitologists
Since 2023, VAMED Outpatient Rehabilitation Clinic Norderstedt has been headed by Dr. Remzi Arifa Ozerdemoglu, a specialist in orthopedics, social medicine, and spinal surgery. Physiotherapists, speech therapists, psychologists, etc., provide patients with comprehensive care.
Unique rehabilitation programs
50 blocks of exercises, Bobat therapy, and cognitive therapeutic exercises on Perfetti restore everyday functions after strokes and traumatic brain injuries. It can be supplemented with computer support for RehaCom and ITS.

About the clinic

VAMED Outpatient Rehabilitation Clinic Norderstedt was founded in 1987 to speed up the recovery of patients and reduce the cost of incapacity. During its existence, it became one of the leading health restoration and prevention centers. The Hamburg Association of Disabled Sports and Rehabilitation (BRS Hamburg) recognizes the clinic's rehabilitation sports groups. The physical exercises are intended to increase endurance, improve coordination, and return the patient's ability to self-care. The training is quite varied and consists of 50 units of exercise. A particular type of movement therapy is CIMT, which is explicitly aimed at the paresis of the hand and limits the healthy hand for maximum use of the affected side. Pilates and TRX-Training are suitable for strengthening the muscles of the whole body and are an additional option to the primary treatment. Back Fit is also used to improve spinal stability.  Yoga and Nordic walking harmonize the upper and lower body, reduce stress, and improve the cardiovascular system. The list of particular types of movement therapy is not limited to this. Rehabilitators also offer boxing classes (Fit-Fun-Boxing), so everyone will find an activity they like. Passive movement and positioning of the paralyzed patient is a part of teaching active exercise, mobilizing a patient after a heart attack, or training gait after hip replacement or stroke. Manual lymphatic drainage, massages, transverse friction, heat therapy, hot roll, cold therapy, electrotherapy, ultrasound and electrostimulation, and iontophoresis help improve the effectiveness of the available treatment. Also, it consolidates the effect of the treatment for a longer time.  Norderstedt Vital and RV Fit are specially developed programs for healthy patients to prevent orthopedic, cardiovascular, and nervous diseases.  Mindful sports activities that study body physiology and anatomy allow a better understanding of exercise's effect on the body. A feature of Norderstedt VAMED Outpatient Rehabilitation Center is the offer of outpatient rehabilitation for greater convenience for the patient. Maintaining the comfort of home, contact with family and friends, and trying therapy at home allows the patient to maintain physical support of the body without the help of doctors. In this way, rehabilitation becomes more of a patient's lifestyle, becoming an integral part.


Extra services

Visa Support
Parking Space
Accessibility Features
Support Groups


Stettiner Str. 16, 22850 Norderstedt, Germany


Should I choose VAMED Clinic Norderstedt for rehabilitation after arthroplasty?

Rehabilitation specialists offer a variety of physiotherapy and exercises to gently restore movement in the operated joint. Doctors work in a multidisciplinary way to develop a unique approach to each patient. In addition, the patient can choose between several options.

Is the medical center a good place for disease prevention?

Norderstedt Vital and RV Fit are specially designed programs to prevent orthopedic problems in the future. As a result, the patient learns to perform exercises with the most outstanding efficiency and without injury, in the end, has an idea about the body's work and controlling the load.

Can I reduce painful sensations in the body thanks to rehabilitation in the clinic?

Physical exercises, physiotherapy, and psychological support can reduce the impact of psychosomatic disorders and improve general blood circulation. This way, there is better healing and appetite improvement, and inflammatory manifestations and pain disappear.

What is the rating of the clinic?

VAMED Outpatient Rehabilitation Clinic Norderstedt is rated as 7.90 by AiroMedical.

What do patients say about VAMED Outpatient Rehabilitation Clinic Norderstedt?

The clinic has 53 feedbacks at other places. The UserScore of the hospital is 81%.

What is the overall experience of the facility?

VAMED Outpatient Rehabilitation Clinic Norderstedt has been operating since 1987. It has accumulated over 38 years of clinical background.

Where can I see the hospital's work, interior space, and exterior?

Does the clinic have certification or recognition?

Where is the clinic located?

The address of the facility is Stettiner Str. 16 22850, Norderstedt, Germany.

Does the hospital offer online consultations?

No, VAMED Outpatient Rehabilitation Clinic Norderstedt doesn’t perform virtual appointments.

What age range of patients can be admitted to the clinic?

The hospital accepts only adults.

What type of stay is offered at VAMED Outpatient Rehabilitation Clinic Norderstedt?

The clinic offers only outpatient services. It is not possible to stay overnight at the hospital.

VAMED Outpatient Rehabilitation Clinic Norderstedt
VAMED Outpatient Rehabilitation Clinic Norderstedt

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