Size & Capacity
Large, 285 beds
Clinic type
Type of care
Inpatient, Outpatient
Age group
Kids, Adults
2.7 on Google
The data collected based on 645 patient reviews on Google
Features & Facts
About the clinic
Primary focus
Departments & Doctors
Extra services
Ratzeburger Allee 160, 23562 Lübeck, Germany
Does University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein Lubeck specialize in eyelid plastic surgery?
The primary competence of the ophthalmology department is to carry out various surgical interventions for the eyes. In particular, reconstructive eyelids surgeries for skin and oral mucosa and cartilaginous tissue transplantation form the hospital's know-how and help achieve an optimal aesthetic result.
Can I have breast surgery at the hospital?
The clinic has one of the largest breast centers in northern Germany and specializes in plastic and reconstructive breast surgery (after breast cancer). Doctors offer modern diagnostic methods: high-resolution ultrasound, digital mammography, tomosynthesis, and breast magnetic resonance imaging.
What is the main treatment direction in the gynecological unit?
One of the main focuses of the gynecology and obstetrics departments is the treatment of gynecological tumors, including ovarian, endometrial, cervical, and other less common types of abdominal cancer.

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© University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein Lubeck