Size & Capacity
Large, 1,100 beds
Clinic type
Type of care
Inpatient, Outpatient
Age group
Kids, Adults
3.2 on Google
The data collected based on 345 patient reviews on Google
Features & Facts
About the clinic
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Departments & Doctors
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Schillingallee 35, 18057 Rostock, Germany
Should I choose University Hospital Rostock for lung surgery?
The hospital is a good place for surgery, thanks to modern methods, including laser and VATS lung operations. This technique can cut out unhealthy tissue, stopping the bleeding and sealing the wound, which is ideal for deep tumors in the lung or multiple small lung metastases.
Is treating cerebral and spinal cord dysfunction available in the clinic?
Cerebral and spinal cord dysfunction is primarily treated with neurostimulation electrodes, which requires computer-assisted planning. Thin electrodes with high precision to the millimeter are implanted in the affected brain area, effectively normalizing movement with the help of impulses.
Does University Clinic Rostock offer modern cardiomyopathy therapy?
Impressive results of stem cell treatment of dilated cardiomyopathy (an increase in the ejection fraction from 14% to a record 40%) allowed the clinic to introduce the method into clinical practice as a convincing alternative to heart transplantation. In this way, doctors avoid complex surgical interventions.

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