Size & Capacity
Large, 485 beds
Clinic type
Type of care
Inpatient, Outpatient
Age group
Kids, Adults
2.8 on Google
The data collected based on 580 patient reviews on Google
Features & Facts
About the clinic
Primary focus
Departments & Doctors
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In d. Schornau 23-25, 44892 Bochum, Germany
Can I seek help from the clinic for eye treatment?
The hospital offers a wide range of ophthalmic treatments, including minimally invasive laser procedures, corneal transplants, Green Star surgery (glaucoma), macular degeneration therapy (including vitreous drug injections), and treatment of severe chemical burns and eye burns at the state level.
Why should I choose the hospital for a combined kidney and pancreas transplant?
A feature of the clinic is the introduction of "quick surgery", which makes it possible to recover faster after the operation and, therefore, reduce the length of stay in the hospital. In addition, kidneys and pancreas are transplanted regularly, improving skills and already high treatment results.
Why is joint replacement popular in University Miners' Hospital?
The minimally invasive methods of the endoprosthesis of joints allow for avoiding complex preparation for the operation and prolonged rehabilitation. In addition, thanks to the unique "bikini" access, the skin incision parallel to the inguinal fold makes the postoperative scar less noticeable.

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© University Miners' Hospital Bochum