Size & Capacity
Small, 129 beds
Clinic type
Type of care
Inpatient, Outpatient
Age group
4.4 on Google
The data collected based on 74 patient reviews on Google
Features & Facts
About the clinic
Primary focus
Departments & Doctors

St. Zdislava Hospital, Robotic Prostate Cancer Surgery

St. Zdislava Hospital, DaVinci robot

Hospital of the Future - Hospital St. Zdislavy v Mostiště

Hospital of the future - Mostiště and robotic system da Vinci

Honza Žampa (Eddie Stoilow) - about surgery at Mostištý Hospital

Hospital of St. Zdislavy - Mostiště
Extra services
Mostiště 93, 594 01 Velké Meziříčí, Czechia
Does St. Zdislavy Hospital have robotic surgery?
The clinic treats patients with diseases of the kidneys, urinary tract, and genital organs, including the prostate, using the minimally invasive DaVinci robotic procedure. The team has performed over 3,000 robotic surgeries over the past ten years.
What range of medical services does the hospital provide?
Orthopedics, surgery, robotic surgery, and intensive care departments work as part of the clinic. Doctors provide medical assistance in pulmonology, cardiology, gastroenterology, endocrinology, and diabetology.
Is obesity treatment available at the clinic?
Thanks to cooperation with specialists in obesity, internal medicine, surgery, psychology, diabetology, and gastroenterology, the unit offers a comprehensive treatment of obesity. The main task is surgical treatment, especially the so-called sleeve gastric resection - or gastrostomy tube.

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© St. Zdislavy Hospital Velke Mezirici