181 beds
Clinic type
Type of care
Inpatient, Outpatient
Age group
3.5 on Google
The data collected based on 93 patient reviews on Google
Features & Facts
About the clinic
Primary focus
Departments & Doctors

Southwest German Parkinson’s Day 2016 – Prof. Dr. med. Andres Ceballos Baumann

Motivation Health - Dr. med. Jürgen Herzog
Extra services
Parzivalpl. 4, 80804 München, Germany
Is Schoen Clinic Munich Schwabing the best place for Parkinson's disease?
The clinic is a leading certified center for treating Parkinson's disease. Doctors provide drug therapy, MAFT training (avoid freezing-provoking situations), pump therapy with apomorphine and duodopa, and transcranial minimally invasive deep brain stimulation (non-slit and percutaneous).
Can I have outpatient rehabilitation in the hospital?
The clinic actively takes advantage of combining the benefits of a day hospital and offers programs of intensive neurological therapy, including optimal medical care, with a home-like atmosphere. The day clinic has two particular treatment areas for Parkinson's and dementia.
Can I get comprehensive treatment for multiple sclerosis?
Due to the multidisciplinary approach, multiple sclerosis therapy includes occupational and physical cure, speech and swallowing therapy, psychotherapy, neuropsychology, and relaxation training. In addition, clinic doctors use cortisone shock treatment and immunomodulators.

Get individual treatment plan and cost estimate. Non-binding 100% free assessment.
© Schoen Clinic Munich Schwabing