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4.5 on Google
The data collected based on 114 patient reviews on Google
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Auf dem Berg 1, 78262 Gailingen am Hochrhein, Germany
Is the clinic successful in the rehabilitation of multiple sclerosis?
Since 2015, the medical center has been certified by the German Multiple Sclerosis Society, which has awarded the clinic the status of a "rehabilitation center for multiple sclerosis". Thus, they meet the strict criteria and offer the required high-quality standards in terms of equipment and treatment.
What mental disorders does the clinic treat?
In a specialized department, the hospital treats people with neurological and psychiatric disorders on an interdisciplinary basis. Specialists focus on impaired memory, concentration and attention, and depressive disorders. Moreover, patients can seek help for anxiety and panic disorders.
Can I get rehabilitation for post-COVID-19 at the Clinic Schmieder Gailingen?
The Rehabilitation Clinic Schmieder Gailingen offers specialized intensive post-/long-term rehabilitation after Covid-19 for indirect neurological injuries. Due to the different individual courses of the disease and its consequences, rehabilitation measures are adapted to each patient and their needs.

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