Size & Capacity
Medium, 315 beds
Clinic type
Type of care
Age group
Kids, Adults
4.7 on Google
The data collected based on 87 patient reviews on Google
Features & Facts
About the clinic
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Zum Tafelholz 8, 78476 Allensbach, Germany
Does the clinic specialize in the treatment of acute neurological diseases?
The Schmieder Clinic in Allensbach has had a department of acute neurology for many years. It constantly improves to cover the full spectrum of neurological emergencies and diseases. Neurological emergencies can be admitted to the hospital and quickly cleared up and treated in the ICU.
Can I receive treatment for Parkinson's disease at the center?
Since April 2016, the Rehabilitation Clinic Schmieder Allensbach has offered patients with Parkinson's disease or atypical Parkinson's syndromes intensive medical, physiotherapy, occupational, speech therapy, neuropsychological, and drug treatment for two to three weeks.
Why is Clinic Schmieder Allensbach suitable for epilepsy treatment and rehabilitation?
The medical team offers a unique diagnostic and therapeutic spectrum in the region. On the one hand, this is the possibility of EEG video monitoring, i.e., prolonged EEG derivation to clarify epilepsy or unclear convulsive phenomena. On the other hand, doctors offer the so-called complex treatment of epilepsy.

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© Rehabilitation Clinic Schmieder Allensbach