Size & Capacity
Small, 32 beds
Type of care
Inpatient, Outpatient
Age group
3.4 on Google
The data collected based on 14 patient reviews on Google
Features & Facts
About the clinic
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Schützenstraße 55, 23843 Bad Oldesloe, Germany
Is the Rehabilitation Clinic Asklepios Bad Oldesloe suitable for patients after a stroke?
The rehabilitation center is suitable for rehabilitating patients undergoing essential treatment after a stroke. In addition, a hospital nearby allows a quick response to the unforeseen deterioration of the patient's condition.
Should I choose a hospital for speech therapy?
The clinic has outstanding speech correction specialists who simultaneously correct pronunciation in several spectrums. In particular, volume, clarity, intonation, and speed are subject to improvement.
What is the uniqueness of the hospital?
Rehabilitators use the capabilities of the adaptive robotic manipulation (ARM) laboratory to restore movement of the upper limbs after a severe impact. This approach is essential for reducing the repair period.

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© Rehabilitation Clinic Asklepios Bad Oldesloe