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Features & Facts
Wide range of options
The Rehabilitation Clinic Asklepios Bad Abbach offers 14 types of physiotherapy, including Vojta, PNF, and Maitland neurophysiology methods that help to normalize the movement sequence to increase efficiency and decrease pain.
Rehabilitation research
The Rehabilitation Clinic Asklepios Bad Abbach offers some opportunities for patients in the rehabilitation area. For example, in 2023, prof. Joachim Grifka started researching effective physical therapy methods in patients with back pain.
Post-covid rehabilitation programs
The clinic offers numerous individual post-covid rehabilitation programs that include 18 approaches, including rare ones, e.g., music therapy, qigong, and autogenic training.
Patients’ safety is the top priority
The Rehabilitation Clinic Asklepios Bad Abbach fully meets the action recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Patient Safety Action Alliance.
Confirmed quality of services
The clinic is certified according to the Institute for Quality Management in Health Care requirements and checked twice yearly by the Food Safety Institute (FSI) of TUV Sud.
About the clinic
Rehabilitation Clinic Asklepios Bad Abbach is located in the charming spa town of Bad Abbach and is one of the top rehabilitation hubs in Germany. The range of services provided in the clinic has been significantly expanded due to cooperation with the orthopedic hospitals, and the qualifications of the medical staff are constantly being improved. As a result, various types of therapy for problems of the musculoskeletal system, pain therapy, and disease prevention are concentrated under one roof. Furthermore, the natural healing properties of local nature, numerous green areas, and mountains harmoniously integrate into modern architecture and the hospital’s interior. High-tech equipment and additional devices for moving around the building make the stay as active and reliable as possible. In addition, constant support from staff and doctors helps to overcome all fears before total activity. The clinic staff individually approaches each case and provides attention and care to everyone. Medical professionals in orthopedics, osteopathy, acupuncture, physical rehabilitation, nutrition, and psychology are gathered in the Rehabilitation Clinic in Bad Abbach for the fastest possible recovery of their patients. Osteopathy focuses on the causes of symptoms and tries to activate the body’s ability to heal. Massage treatments help to relax tense muscles and joints, relieving pain. Furthermore, the treatment is based on the scientific basis of neurophysiology (Vojta, PNF, Maitland). Mackenzie, Siriaks, and Brugger’s therapy effectively solves the problems of intervertebral disc and spine diseases and promotes the development of back muscles. Thus, in some cases, patients can even avoid surgery. Therapy based on Klein Vogelbach’s functional theory of movement works on vulnerable parts of the body, strengthening them comprehensively. Also, a well-thought-out and carefully selected set of exercises will prevent injuries in the future. Understanding the needs of patients, the medical center has developed highly effective pain therapy, which includes drug and non-drug modern methods. Nutritional correction and the involvement of psychologists help maintain results as long as possible after discharge and motivate patients in general recovery and formation of sustainable motivation for a better life. To offer the best treatment and safety, all professional groups involved in patient care work hand in hand and regularly share information. The clinic follows international standards and recommendations from the World Health Organization and the Patient Safety Action Alliance. Thanks to the experience of the “Asklepios” network, the traditions of the healing area, and the quality of German medicine, the clinic is enjoying popularity far beyond the borders of the country due to its unique, comprehensive approach to the patient’s needs, cooperation with other hospitals and constant improvement. In the clinic, you can get treatment for orthopedic and traumatology diseases, rehabilitation, and, most importantly, prevent complications or future diseases to avoid complex and expensive treatment.
Is pain therapy available at Rehabilitation Clinic Asklepios Bad Abbach?
The hospital offers a wide range of services to overcome patient pain and uses all modern and long-proven methods. For example, laser acupuncture ensures the absence of punctures and infection on the skin, directing impulses more efficiently and analyzing the work area.
Can the center help me regain movement?
Doctors are constantly searching for new ways to maximize the body's capabilities. Therefore, the clinic offers a wide range of services, such as Vojta cure, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, and Maitland therapy for the spine. The methods are selected individually and can be used simultaneously.
Can I go to the clinic for scoliosis therapy?
The clinic has good experience in treating scoliosis thanks to Lehnert-Schroth therapy. In addition, special breathing exercises, perception training, and exercises in the upright position are developed to prevent future complications and reduce pain sensations.
What is the rating of the clinic?
Rehabilitation Clinic Asklepios Bad Abbach is rated as 7.60 by AiroMedical.
What do patients say about Rehabilitation Clinic Asklepios Bad Abbach?
The clinic has 69 feedbacks at other places. The UserScore of the hospital is 71%.
What is the primary focus of the hospital?
The medical center is an expert at arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, rehabilitation, systemic lupus erythematosus, and nervous system.