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Kids, Adults
4.3 on Google
The data collected based on 176 patient reviews on Google
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Реабилитационный центр Абромишкес

реабилитационная клиника Абромишкес

Clip about Abramiski in the hospital

Abromiškii Rehabilitation Hospital (dron view)

Abromishkii Rehabilitation Hospital

Abromishkii Rehabilitation Hospital
Extra services
Sanatorijos g. 72, 26130 Abromiškės, Lithuania
Can I assess the state of the body's muscles in the center?
The clinic's BIODEX isokinetic system is a modern device that allows you to evaluate and train the range of motion of the limbs, muscle strength, endurance, and interaction between muscle groups. For over 25 years, BIODEX has been recognized as the world standard for assessing muscle conditions.
Does Rehabilitation Centre Abromiskes offer pediatric rehabilitation for lung diseases?
The clinic provides treatment and rehabilitation for children suffering from pneumonia, bronchial asthma, obstructive pulmonary diseases, and cystic fibrosis. After a thorough examination, the most appropriate rehabilitation measures are prescribed, and an individual follow-up is planned.
What diseases are approached with rehabilitation?
Doctors have many years of experience rehabilitating patients after long-term fractures and diseases of the pelvic bones, joint operations, arthritis and arthropathy, and limb amputation. Clinic patients can also receive training in using temporary and permanent prostheses.

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