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Radiooncology in Vosspalais (english version)

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Voßstraße 33, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Should I choose Radiation Oncology in the Vosspalais in Berlin for the treatment of gynecological carcinoma?
The medical center is a suitable place to treat various types of gynecological carcinomas thanks to highly targeted and effective radiation therapy. The method allows you to preserve fertility and healthy tissues of the female reproductive system and does not cause cosmetic defects.
How long should I undergo radiation therapy for lung cancer?
Doctors adhere to adaptive treatment planning, which allows adjusting the amount of treatment according to tumor shrinkage during therapy. In addition, the course of treatment depends on the tumor size and the disease stage. A thorough examination and consultation with a doctor will help to understand the approximate volumes.
Why is the clinic one of the best in Germany?
Real professionals work in medical centers with fewer complications than other hospitals. In addition, many years of treatment experience allow doctors to take on highly complex cases.

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© Radiation Oncology at Vosspalais in Berlin