Size & Capacity
Small, 312 beds
Clinic type
Type of care
Inpatient, Outpatient
Age group
4.1 on Google
The data collected based on 123 patient reviews on Google
Features & Facts
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Große Allee 1-3, 34454 Bad Arolsen, Germany
Is the Schoen Bad Arolsen Psychosomatic Clinic suitable for the treatment of depression?
Doctors of the medical center apply new effective methods of treating depression, such as teaching and learning new patterns of behavior and thinking, accumulating positive experiences, and developing individual strategies for solving the problem. Modern complex treatment has a high level of efficiency.
Can doctors help me with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?
The clinic offers individual and multimodal therapy for PTSD, considering biological, psychological, and social aspects. Treatment includes medication, cognitive behavioral therapy, EMDR (eye movement trauma desensitization and reprocessing), or group psychotherapy.
How effective is the treatment of psychological problems in the clinic?
About 80% of patients reported that their symptoms and quality of life improved significantly after treatment. Thanks to the involvement of various specialists in drawing up an individual treatment plan, all provoking factors are taken into account, which allows for excellent long-term results.

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