Size & Capacity
Medium, 176 beds
Clinic type
Type of care
Inpatient, Outpatient
Age group
Kids, Adults
3.3 on Google
The data collected based on 57 patient reviews on Google
Features & Facts
About the clinic
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Tiefenbrunn, 37124 Rosdorf, Germany
Does Psychiatry Clinic Asklepios Tiefenbrunn Rosdorf serve kids?
The medical center has many years of experience treating psychiatric disorders in children. Services are available in outpatient and inpatient options. Doctors also work with kids of mentally ill parents in the form of diagnostic procedures and psychotherapeutic conversations.
Should I choose a hospital for complex psychosomatic disorders?
Doctors have good results in the treatment of psychosomatic diseases of any complexity. Psychiatrists and psychotherapists use a comprehensive approach in the form of individual and group discussions, self-management training, and physiotherapy for relaxation.
Is emergency medical care available at the clinic?
On the territory of the clinic, emergency care is provided for adults with acute symptoms or in a psychological crisis, with the possibility of transitioning treatment to a day hospital or inpatient treatment if necessary.

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© Psychiatry Clinic Asklepios Tiefenbrunn Rosdorf