Size & Capacity
Medium, 428 beds
Clinic type
Type of care
Inpatient, Outpatient
Age group
2.7 on Google
The data collected based on 7 patient reviews on Google
Features & Facts
About the clinic
Extra services
Asklepios Psychiatrie Niedersachsen GmbH, Rosdorfer Weg 70, Rosdorfer Weg 70, 37081 Göttingen, Germany
Should I choose the hospital for the treatment of elderly patients?
Psychiatrists have a separate direction of treating geriatric patients and thoroughly consider the peculiarities of diseases. Also, care is available at the emergency, inpatient, and outpatient levels with high efficiency.
Is a medical center suitable for patients with addictions?
The clinic has extensive experience treating patients addicted to gambling and drugs and helping them quit smoking. A versatile approach to each case allows for changing the patient's life for the better in the shortest possible time.
Does Psychiatry Clinic Asklepios Gottingen treat post-traumatic stress disorder?
Stabilization techniques, body therapy techniques such as qigong, Feldenkrais, and progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) combined with imagery exercises, trauma synthesis, EMDR, CIPBS, screen technology, and observational technology are used by physicians to treat PTSD.

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