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Inpatient, Outpatient
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Kids, Adults
4.5 on Google
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Treatment planning at the Proton Center

What Is the Difference Between Proton and Photon Therapy?

About the Proton Therapy Center in Prague

How Does Proton Therapy Work?

Pencil Beam Scanning | Proton Therapy

Proton treatment of malignant lymphomas
Extra services
Budínova 2437/1a, 180 00 Praha 8, Czechia
What treatment does Proton Therapy Center offer?
The hospital specializes in proton beam radiation, the most advanced and precise radiation therapy currently available. Due to the accurate targeting of the protons directly to the tumor, side effects are significantly reduced. As a result, doctors can greatly decrease potential risks.
Why does the center have a high result in treating oncological diseases?
Thanks to proton irradiation, maximum accuracy is achieved since the beam's energy reaches the center of the tumor almost without affecting healthy tissues. For more than 10 years, doctors have successfully treated tumors of the head and neck, lungs, prostate, and mammary glands.
Does the hospital provide treatment for children with oncological diseases?
Сlinic uses the latest technologies and experience of leading Czech and international oncologists regarding proton therapy in children as part of the pediatric treatment program. Based on the internal statistics of the center, almost 80% of pediatric cases treated with proton beams were successful.

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