Clinic type
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Age group
Kids, Adults
4.7 on Google
The data collected based on 113 patient reviews on Google
Features & Facts
About the clinic
Primary focus
Departments & Doctors

Pro EndoDentica ul. Rąbieńska 129, Łódź

Take care of your smile with Pro Endodentica Łódź

Let's take care of our children's teeth!

Drawing of the winner of the competition at Pro Endodentica Łódź

Interesting facts about teeth

It has been with you from the very beginning. Take care of him!
Extra services
Rąbieńska 129, 94-244 Łódź, Poland
Can I receive dental rehabilitation after complex treatment at Pro EndoDentica Clinic Lodz?
The medical center has a physiotherapist specializing in rehabilitating dental cases and is highly successful in reducing the risk of complications and pain.
Should I choose a medical center for implantation?
Dentistry is a good place for implantation because implantologists use hypoallergenic titanium implants with high-quality material. In addition, specialists have many years of experience, allowing for treatment without additional complications.
Is there a long waiting list for treatment at the сlinic?
The medical center is ready to accept anyone who wants to be treated without long queues. Thanks to high-quality equipment and specialists' experience, each patient's treatment is quick and requires a minimum number of repeated visits.

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© Pro EndoDentica Clinic Lodz