Size & Capacity
Small, 67 beds
Clinic type
Type of care
Inpatient, Outpatient
Age group
3.8 on Google
The data collected based on 78 patient reviews on Google
Features & Facts
About the clinic
Extra services
Ilsenburger Str. 95, 38667 Bad Harzburg, Germany
Does the hospital provide emergency care?
The clinic provides emergency care for common acute conditions, especially for injuries of any complexity. The involvement of highly qualified specialists makes it possible to decide on further treatment quickly in the medical center.
Will I receive rehabilitation after arthroplasty?
The clinic has a separate rehabilitation department that uses and combines various methods to restore movement and improve the healing of the operated area. As a result, every patient gets access to additional therapeutic treatment.
What is unique about Orthopedic Clinic Asklepios Bad Harzburg?
The clinic is a certified orthopedic center that provides high-quality treatment and simultaneous rehabilitation in one place. Additionally, being in the resort, among the mountains and next to the thermal springs, adds a remarkably relaxed atmosphere to the treatment.

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© Orthopedic Clinic Askelepios Bad Harzburg