Size & Capacity
Small, 39 beds
Clinic type
Type of care
Inpatient, Outpatient
Age group
4.1 on Google
The data collected based on 87 patient reviews on Google
Features & Facts
About the clinic
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66 Wigmore St, London W1U 2SB, UK
What kind of treatment methods are offered at the clinic?
The team offers tailor-made, evidence-based therapies, surgeries, and targeted therapies for people suffering from orthopedic or spinal problems. Through a comprehensive strategy, patients receive an advanced complete treatment route, rapid diagnosis, and access to the right specialists for their care.
Can I have a hip replacement at Fortious Clinic in London?
There are several types of hip replacement surgery, and they all involve replacing the damaged hip joint with a prosthesis (artificial) ball and socket joint. Orthopedic specialists regularly perform hip replacement surgeries at Orthopedic and Spinal Fortious Hospital in London.
Why is a private orthopedic clinic better than usual hospitals?
Anyone can benefit from fast diagnostics, a team of specialists, and first-class treatment results in the clinic. The patients do not have to wait months to receive treatment. Moreover, the patient at all stages of treatment is accompanied by qualified nursing staff ready to answer any questions.

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© Orthopedic and Spinal Fortius Clinic London