Size & Capacity
Medium, 81 beds
Clinic type
Type of care
Inpatient, Outpatient
Age group
Kids, Adults
3.0 on Google
The data collected based on 1,247 patient reviews on Google
Features & Facts
About the clinic
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Musalla Bağları, Gürz Sk. No: 1, 42060 Selçuklu/Konya, Türkiye
Is the medical center the best place in Turkey for maxillofacial surgery?
The maxillofacial surgery department offers the country's best and most current services for tooth and jaw fractures, implantation, and loss of jawbone. Thanks to microsurgery, doctors restore vessels and nerves. In addition, low-invasive operations help to hide incisions behind the ear or the hair.
Should I go to the hospital with a head injury?
The clinic is suitable for treating injuries, including the skull, thanks to 24-hour emergency care and high-precision CT, MRI, and X-ray. Intraoperative monitoring and microsurgical restoration of the delicate tissues and structures at an early stage contribute to the complete repair of all functions.
What range of services does Medicana Hospital Konya offer?
Despite the popularity and recognition of the clinic in oral maxillofacial and plastic reconstructive surgery, high-quality treatment according to world standards for cardiac patients and with neuro-orthopedic and skin diseases is an integral part of the services.

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