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Trailer: Immunological cancer therapy at the Immuno-Oncological Center IOZK in Cologne.
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Hohenstaufenring 30-32, 50674 Köln, Germany
What types of tumors can be treated in Immuno-Oncological Center Cologne?
Oncologists use immunotherapy to treat malignant skin cancer, breast cancer, bile duct carcinoma, and brain tumors. Numerous studies have shown that therapy is effective and relatively well tolerated in various tumor types. In addition, the technique allows for an extension of the life span.
What are the patient benefits of immunotherapy compared to classical oncology?
Despite the latest surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation technologies, healthy body cells are still damaged. On the contrary, immunotherapy has a specific effect: only malignant cells are killed, with practically no side effects. Therefore, immuno-oncological treatment is the most gentle method.
When is the best time to administer IOZK immunotherapy?
IOZK therapy can be carried out at any time during tumor growth. However, recent data show that immunotherapy in the early stages of the disease produces the best long-term results. Cancer vaccination and immunotherapy can also be combined with any conventional treatment.

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