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Helios Psychiatry Clinics Hildburghausen

Helios Psychiatry Clinics Hildburghausen

Hildburghausen, Germany

User ScoreTotal ReviewsRatingPrice RangeMedia FilesCertificatesFounded InBedsDepartmentsOwnershipAge GroupClinic TypeType of CareSizeOnline Consultations
79%388.3/10$$5918664465 medical unitsPrivate hospitalKids, AdultsSpecializedInpatient, OutpatientMediumNo


Size & Capacity

Medium, 446 beds

Clinic type


Type of care

Inpatient, Outpatient

Age group

Kids, Adults

4.5 on Google

The data collected based on 38 patient reviews on Google


Features & Facts

Closed & open living areas
In the Helios Psychiatry Clinics Hildburghausen, patients who require constant observation and care might choose between one open place and two secured areas for living under the close observation of medical practitioners.
Transparency in quality evaluation
Since 2008, the Helios Psychiatry Clinics Hildburghausen and other facilities of the Helios network launched an Initiative for Quality Medicine (IQM). This initiative measures and evaluates 250+ quality indicators for different treatment methods.
Helps with a wide range of addictions
Patients can receive qualified help for alcohol, illegal drugs (cocaine, heroin, crystal meth, etc.), prescription drugs, gambling, video game addiction, porn addiction, and more.
Сontinuing education for kids patients
Patients 18 years old and younger continue their education process thanks to Care and Education Service (CES) if their current condition allows them to visit lessons.
Geriatric psychiatry excellence
The Helios Psychiatry Clinics Hildburghausen provides high-quality inpatient and outpatient treatment and observation for elderly patients, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, elderly depression, various forms of dementia, and other diseases.

About the clinic

Helios Psychiatry Clinics Hildburghausen is an advanced private center founded in 1866 with a rich history. As a military hospital, it developed rapidly during the First and Second World Wars and was later requalified for psychiatric and psychotherapeutic care in a modern renovated building in 2014. The clinic area with 446 beds includes departments for child and adolescent psychiatry, psychotherapy, psychosomatics, and neurology. In addition, the dispensary for forensic psychiatry and psychotherapy has 128 beds, and a house for people with disabilities with 48 beds. In 2018, the hospital management completed repairing the adult and youth psychiatry departments and opened a professional psychosomatic and psychotherapy clinic with a day hospital. Helios Clinics in Hildburghausen are fully licensed to train future psychiatric specialists and nurses.  In addition to the activity for medical personnel, the hospital cares about educating patients and the population. Seminars about eating disorders, stuttering, dementia, and cancer are available to the public. Doctors use additional treatment methods to implement the fastest rehabilitation and support team spirit: sports, group walks, picnics, fitness days, rock climbing, and a public reading of authors' books. The Hildburghausen Psychiatry Clinics have an electroconvulsive therapy anesthesia room, an important therapeutic choice for some patients who, despite long periods of psychotherapy and medication, cannot get adequate help or for patients with life-threatening conditions. In addition to psychiatric care, the Helios Medical Centre provides care to neurological patients. The stroke unit, which operates following the specified instructions, received the "Regional Stroke Unit" certificate under the quality standard of the German Stroke Association and the German Stroke Foundation. Furthermore, in 2015, the German Multiple Sclerosis Society certified the neurology clinic as a "Considerable Sclerosis Focus Centre" for the latest treatment methods and careful patient care. According to the interviews' results, the visiting commissions' members for quality control of the stay of psychiatric patients testified that the specialized clinic provides high-quality assistance to people with mental illnesses and is always distinguished by its desire to arrange patients with high-quality diagnosis and therapy.

Primary focus

psychosomatic medicine
mental health

Departments & Doctors

Psychiatry, psychotherapy
Dr. med. Bachar Khalife

psychiatry, psychotherapy, and psychosomatic medicine

Psychotherapy, psychosomatic
Dr. med. Daniel Kucera

psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy

Forensic psychiatry
Dr. med. Karlheinz Berger

psychiatry and psychotherapy

Pediatric psychiatry
Dr. med. Stephanie Hagen

child and adolescent psychiatry, psychosomatic, and psychotherapy


Extra services

Visa Support
Parking Space
Kids' Play Zone
ATM / Banking


Eisfelder Str. 41, 98646 Hildburghausen, Germany


Does the clinic serve kids?

The clinic offers a wide range of modern diagnostics and various treatments for children and adolescents in psychological health. In addition, physical, art, and music therapy, compensatory animal, and psychotherapy with certified psychologists reduce the need for medication and future addiction.

What conditions does the neurology department treat?

Neurologists with high-performance rates treat strokes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, epilepsy, back pain and disc disease, polyneuropathy, headache, vertigo, increased muscle tone, brain tumors, or dementia. Modern diagnostics and treatments meet the highest standards.

Is it necessary to be in the hospital all day during the treatment?

Doctors often propose outpatient care or a stay in a day hospital to support the familiar environment better. Treatment typically includes a broad range of services but lacks 24-hour supervision or intensive care. In addition, doctors have a variety of motivational techniques to keep a patient in therapy.

What is the rating of the clinic?

Helios Psychiatry Clinics Hildburghausen is rated as 8.30 by AiroMedical.

What do patients say about Helios Psychiatry Clinics Hildburghausen?

The clinic has 38 feedbacks at other places. The UserScore of the hospital is 79%.

What is the primary focus of the hospital?

The medical center is an expert at psychiatry, psychotherapy, psychosomatic, psychosomatic medicine, and child.

What is the overall experience of the facility?

Helios Psychiatry Clinics Hildburghausen has been operating since 1866. It has accumulated over 159 years of clinical background.

Where can I see the hospital's work, interior space, and exterior?

AiroMedical gallery has 5 photos related to Helios Psychiatry Clinics Hildburghausen.

Does the clinic have certification or recognition?

What is the structure of the hospital?

Where is the clinic located?

The address of the facility is Eisfelder Str. 41 98646, Hildburghausen, Germany.

Does the hospital offer online consultations?

No, Helios Psychiatry Clinics Hildburghausen doesn’t perform virtual appointments.

What age range of patients can be admitted to the clinic?

The hospital accepts patients of all ages.

What type of stay is offered at Helios Psychiatry Clinics Hildburghausen?

The clinic offers both inpatient and outpatient services, so you can be hospitalized (if indicated).

Helios Psychiatry Clinics Hildburghausen
Helios Psychiatry Clinics Hildburghausen

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