Size & Capacity
Medium, 341 beds
Clinic type
Type of care
Inpatient, Outpatient
Age group
Kids, Adults
3.1 on Google
The data collected based on 420 patient reviews on Google
Features & Facts
About the clinic
Primary focus
Departments & Doctors
Extra services
Heliosstraße 1, 99867 Gotha, Germany
Is spine treatment available at Helios Hospital Gotha?
The clinic offers various spine services, including decompression and vertebral body replacement, lumbar fusion (PLIF), and correction of wear-related or congenital scoliosis. Doctors use the most appropriate drug therapy, minimally invasive surgery, and highly effective rehabilitation.
Should І choose the hospital for the treatment of multiple sclerosis?
The clinic is an excellent place to treat multiple sclerosis with various diagnoses and treatments. MRI, cerebrospinal fluid studies, and electrophysiological studies help to choose the medicine better. In addition, doctors use hormonal pulse therapy, treatment of spasticity and pain, and rehabilitation.
What services does the clinic provide?
The hospital offers treatment of malignant tumors, cardiovascular diseases, disorders of digestion, genitourinary system, and orthopedics. Also, doctors prefer gentle, low-traumatic operations and individual rehabilitation through occupational and physiotherapy, speech cure, and psychological support.

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