Size & Capacity
Medium, 102 beds
Clinic type
Type of care
Inpatient, Outpatient
Age group
Kids, Adults
2.9 on Google
The data collected based on 45 patient reviews on Google
Features & Facts
About the clinic
Extra services
Asklepios Klinik, Schwanthalerstraße 35, 94501 Aidenbach, Germany
What pain management methods are used at Asklepios Clinic in Aidenbach?
Most often, doctors use non-traumatic methods of treatment such as TENS, iontophoresis, and ultrasound, which promote active healing of damaged muscles and tendons and immediately reduce pain without the influence of heavy medications.
Can I visit the clinic with voice problems?
A particular LSVT program helps people with Parkinson's disease to make speech clearer and louder. Thanks to 16 sessions, patients also get the opportunity in the future to realize and independently analyze pronunciation.
What is the main specialization of the hospital?
The main focus of the medical center is geriatric rehabilitation. The multidisciplinary team provides a comprehensive individual approach and round-the-clock patient care. Given the need for ongoing restoration, doctors also develop an exercise and care program for home use.

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© Geriatric Rehabilitation Clinic Asklepios Aidenbach