Size & Capacity
Large, 13 beds
Clinic type
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4.5 on Google
The data collected based on 303 patient reviews on Google
Features & Facts
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Na Poříčí 1047/26, 110 00 Praha 1-Florenc, Czechia
Should I choose the clinic if I have an autoimmune disease infertility?
Reproductologists at the hospital have developed a step-by-step plan for patients with infertility due to an immunological cause. Taking special drugs and droppers, choosing the most suitable method of artificial insemination, and modeling the immune response maintain a high result of successful IVF.
Is prenatal genetic testing performed at the medical center?
The clinic offers several options for testing the fetus for genetic defects, including the mother's blood test, PRENASCAN, as well as taking amniotic fluid or chorionic villi. High-precision devices make it possible to determine the most minor DNA defects in a short time.
How long should I wait to receive IVF in a medical center?
The clinic provides treatment without queues for patients who can use their reproductive cells. If donor materials are necessary, the waiting period for treatment lasts for 2 months.

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© Gennet Clinic Archa Prague