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4.6 on Google
The data collected based on 52 patient reviews on Google
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Ceglana 35, 40-514 Katowice, Poland
Should I choose a clinic for the treatment of oncological brain damage?
A hospital is a suitable place for the treatment of hard-to-reach brain tumors thanks to the use of Lеkѕеll Gаmmа Knіfе Perfexion. The device treats neoplasms with high precision without a high risk of loss of functions.
What is the uniqueness of the cancer clinic?
The clinic employs highly experienced qualified oncologists trained in innovative treatment in the leading hospitals of America and Europe. In addition, the high focus on GammaKnife treatment allows for improvement and continuous improvement.
What diseases can be treated in the center?
Oncological diseases of the brain and cranial nerves, as well as meninges and trigeminal neuralgia, are treated efficiently in the medical center in the shortest possible time. One session of high-precision radiation allows you to get extraordinary results.

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© Gamma Knife Exira Center Katowice