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Features & Facts
Innovative clinical research
In 2017, Cellthera Clinic Brno received a grant for a joint project with EP Roznov, a.s., to research and develop an integrated biotechnology platform not yet available on the market.
World famous patients
The medical center helped the famous Czech writer Michal Viewegh improve his physical and mental health and eliminate chronic fatigue.
Unique treatment technology
Cellthera Clinic in Brno is a pioneer in the Czech Republic in applying regenerative laser therapy.
Patented therapy
Clinic owner Prof. MUDr. Jaroslav Michalek, Ph.D., is an inventor of the European patent for isolating stem cells from fat and connective tissue and the European patent "Vaccine for tumor immunotherapy."
Vaccine against 10 types of cancer
The anti-tumor vaccine, developed by stem cell selection, has proven effective against 11 types of cancer and is successfully used by the hospital.
About the clinic
Cellthera Clinic Brno is a private innovation center in the Czech Republic that embodies the latest treatment innovations. Since 2013, the hospital has been actively developing regenerative medicine and solving complex cases of diseases in which classical solutions may not be effective. Brno Cellthera Medical Center is divided into 2 departments to provide comprehensive treatment. The highly skilled staff has over 15 years of experience working with severe and chronic cases. The GMP certificate from the State Institute for Drug Control of the Czech Republic confirms the safety and high quality of services. The hospital constantly improves and updates approaches to treatment thanks to scientific and research activities in various areas, particularly in oncology, immunology, and traumatology. Cooperation with the International Consortium for Cell Therapy and Immunotherapy helped the clinic introduce mesenchymal stem cells from the patient's fat and connective tissue. For example, just one venous blood collection helps develop an anti-cancer vaccine or a drug for intra-articular injections. Immunological cells - dendrites, obtained in this way, start a robust anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory process, reducing pain sensations and restoring impaired functions. Stem cells help patients with oncological cases significantly reduce the radiation or chemotherapy dose and prevent future recurrence risk. Platelet-derived intra-articular injections avoid the need for joint replacement with a minimally invasive procedure that takes just 60 minutes. In addition, Cellthera Medical Center Brno uses regenerative laser therapy to achieve maximum results. Specific wavelengths of the visible light spectrum improve local blood circulation, which drives the recovery of damaged tissues. The laser technology expands the spectrum of diseases with which doctors work, including erectile dysfunction, chronic kidney and liver disease, Crohn's disease, and diabetes. At Cellthera Clinic, we have delivered medical care safely and effectively to more than 10,000 clients while improving their health dramatically in most cases. We always rely on the natural support of the patient's own immune system, body detoxification, and tissue regeneration with the patient's own stem cells. Using experience gained in various parts of Europe and the United States, doctors can effectively treat patients with severe consequences of nervous system injuries, autoimmune diseases, malignant tumors, and injuries of the musculoskeletal system. Also, one of the clinic's goals is the prevention of diseases thanks to replenishing minerals and vitamin deficiencies, reducing stress, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Patients can receive highly efficacious cures and strengthen the general condition of the body without complicated and traumatic procedures at Cellthera Hospital Brno.
Learn about your Stem Cell Therapy | EN, DE, RU subtitles
Learn about your Stem Cell Therapy | EN, DE, RU subtitles
Manipulation room
Waiting zone
Manipulation room
Waiting zone
Our team
Learn about your Stem Cell Therapy | EN, DE, RU subtitles
Learn about your Stem Cell Therapy | EN, DE, RU subtitles
Patient interview
Patient interview
This is how the BICOM Bioresonance 2 method works - video no. 2
This is how the BICOM Bioresonance 2 method works - video no. 2
This is how the BICOM Bioresonance 2 method works - video №1
This is how the BICOM Bioresonance 2 method works - video №1
Stem cells heal even after a severe head injury. Listen to the true story of Mr. Milan Dolecek.
Stem cells heal even after a severe head injury. Listen to the true story of Mr. Milan Dolecek.
prof. Michalek talks about STEM CELL THERAPY programms | Stem Cell Therapy4me
prof. Michalek talks about STEM CELL THERAPY programms | Stem Cell Therapy4me
Extra services
Language Assistance
Visa Support
Travel Assistance
Stay Arrangements
Parking Space
Clinic Coordinator
Accessibility Features
Vídeňská 101/119, 619 00 Brno-Brno-jih, Czechia
Why should I choose Cellthera Clinic Brno?
Doctors use stem cell treatment and regenerative medicine, which helps avoid complex operations and severe complications. In addition, this technology does not require long-term rehabilitation.
Can I treat rheumatoid arthritis in the hospital?
Traumatologists at Cellthera Clinic help reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation in joints affected by rheumatoid arthritis. The autoimmune process becomes less aggressive and allows the structures of the musculoskeletal system to recover faster.
Does the clinic have an oncology center?
The clinic has an oncology department that develops anticancer vaccines. In particular, doctors have experience fighting malignant lesions of the nervous system, mammary gland, ovaries, prostate, respiratory system, and skin.
What is the rating of the clinic?
Cellthera Clinic Brno is rated as 9.50 by AiroMedical.
What do patients say about Cellthera Clinic Brno?
The clinic has 39 feedbacks at other places. The UserScore of the hospital is 96%.
What is the primary focus of the hospital?
The medical center is an expert at surgery, cancer, plastic, carcinoma, and trauma.
What is the overall experience of the facility?
Cellthera Clinic Brno has been operating since 2013. It has accumulated over 12 years of clinical background.
Where can I see the hospital's work, interior space, and exterior?