Size & Capacity
Medium, 100 beds
Clinic type
Type of care
Inpatient, Outpatient
Age group
4.4 on Google
The data collected based on 35 patient reviews on Google
Features & Facts
About the clinic
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Departments & Doctors

Immunometabolism and Tumor microenvironment | Matthias Kraft

Hyperthermia in Oncology - An Interview with BioMed Clinic Chief Physician Dr. med. Matthias Kraft

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Tischbergerstraße 5, 76887 Bad Bergzabern, Germany
Is BioMed Hospital considered the best clinic for hyperthermia?
BioMed was mentioned among the best hyperthermia clinics in Germany in Andrew Scholberg's book "Germany's Cancer Breakthrough" and is one of the leading centers in Europe. Thanks to high-quality services and experienced staff, the hospital receives international recognition.
Which direction is the most popular in the clinic?
It uses various hyperthermia methods, which increase chemo- and radiation therapy effectiveness for cancer patients. The clinic has 15 devices and 7 special systems. The hospital received a quality certificate from the German Hyperthermia Society and is one of the leading hyperthermia clinics.
Can I get breast cancer treatment in the hospital?
The clinic offers a full range of diagnoses and treatments for oncological diseases. The hospital combines traditional medicine with complementary methods of cancer treatment. These include biological, physical, and naturopathic therapy, which contributes to increasing the effectiveness of treatment.

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© BioMed Hospital Bad Bergzabern