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BioMed Hospital Bad Bergzabern

BioMed Hospital Bad Bergzabern

Bad Bergzabern, Germany

User ScoreTotal ReviewsRatingPrice RangeMedia FilesCertificatesFounded InBedsDepartmentsOwnershipAge GroupClinic TypeType of CareSizeOnline Consultations
94%359.1/10$$$9619971001 medical unitPrivate hospitalAdultsSpecializedInpatient, OutpatientMediumYes


Size & Capacity

Medium, 100 beds

Clinic type


Type of care

Inpatient, Outpatient

Age group


4.4 on Google

The data collected based on 35 patient reviews on Google


Features & Facts

Best for palliative cancer care
Doctors have offered palliative care services for more than 25 years. In addition, the overall experience is more than 700+ oncological patients annually.
Experienced in immune and biological therapy
Hospital doctors have used traditional immunotherapy, biological response modifier therapy, and biotherapy for treatment and palliative care for over two decades.
Provides alternatives to chemo
The hospital offers regional deep and superficial hyperthermy, fever beds, and perfusion hyperthermy therapy methods in addition to or as an alternative to chemotherapy. It is certified by the German Hypertermy Society.
Innovative hyperthermy apparatuses
Since 2018, the clinic has installed and performed over 10,000 treatment sessions with the EHY-2000 Device, an innovative system for hyperthermy treatment of oncological diseases.
Psychological aid for oncological patients
The psycho-oncological unit helps patients with advanced cancer to cope with their condition via psychodrama, behaviour therapy, hypnosis, imagination, breathing and relaxation, and bodywork.

About the clinic

BioMed Hospital is a highly specialized clinic that offers a full range of diagnostics and treatment of oncological diseases. The clinic is unique in its field, not only in Germany but also in Europe. BioMed was mentioned among the best Hyperthermia clinics in Germany in the Book "Germany Cancer Breakthrough" by Andrew Scholberg. The clinic is designed for 100 beds in single and double rooms. Each room has a TV, telephone, and private balcony with outdoor awnings for sun protection. More than 100 employees, psychologists, and nursing staff take care of the patient's comfortable stay in the hospital. BioMed Hospital perfectly combines traditional and alternative methods of treatment. The hospital complements orthodox medicine with complementary methods of cancer treatment. These include biological, physical, and naturopathic therapies.  For more than 25 years, the clinic has been practicing various forms of hyperthermia, which increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The clinic has 15 hyperthermia devices and seven hyperthermia systems.  The hospital was awarded the quality certificate of the German Society for Hyperthermia and is considered one of the leading Hyperthermia Centers in Europe. The hospital's motto is "Dare to Live," which means it's never too late to start something new and lead your life actively and responsibly. The medical team would like to encourage patients, help them fight the disease, and embark again on energy. Each patient receives personalized medical care according to their needs and wishes. The patient's relatives are also involved in the therapeutic process for moral support.

Primary focus

parenteral nutrition
mycoplasma pneumoniae
inhaled corticosteroid
coherence tomography
alternative medicine
gastrointestinal oncology
laryngeal cancer
breast cancer

Departments & Doctors

Oncology, alternative medicine
Dr. med. Matthias Kraft

oncology and alternative medicine, internal medicine


Extra services

Visa Support
Parking Space
Accessibility Features
Home Care


Tischbergerstraße 5, 76887 Bad Bergzabern, Germany


Is BioMed Hospital considered the best clinic for hyperthermia?

BioMed was mentioned among the best hyperthermia clinics in Germany in Andrew Scholberg's book "Germany's Cancer Breakthrough" and is one of the leading centers in Europe. Thanks to high-quality services and experienced staff, the hospital receives international recognition.

Which direction is the most popular in the clinic?

It uses various hyperthermia methods, which increase chemo- and radiation therapy effectiveness for cancer patients. The clinic has 15 devices and 7 special systems. The hospital received a quality certificate from the German Hyperthermia Society and is one of the leading hyperthermia clinics.

Can I get breast cancer treatment in the hospital?

The clinic offers a full range of diagnoses and treatments for oncological diseases. The hospital combines traditional medicine with complementary methods of cancer treatment. These include biological, physical, and naturopathic therapy, which contributes to increasing the effectiveness of treatment.

What is the rating of the clinic?

BioMed Hospital Bad Bergzabern is rated as 9.10 by AiroMedical.

What do patients say about BioMed Hospital Bad Bergzabern?

The clinic has 35 feedbacks at other places. The UserScore of the hospital is 94%.

What is the primary focus of the hospital?

The medical center is an expert at asthma, airway, cancer, pulmonary, and lung.

What is the overall experience of the facility?

BioMed Hospital Bad Bergzabern has been operating since 1997. It has accumulated over 28 years of clinical background.

Where can I see the hospital's work, interior space, and exterior?

AiroMedical gallery has 7 photos & 2 videos related to BioMed Hospital Bad Bergzabern.

Does the clinic have certification or recognition?

What is the structure of the hospital?

Where is the clinic located?

The address of the facility is Tischbergerstraße 5 76887, Bad Bergzabern, Germany.

Does the hospital offer online consultations?

Yes, BioMed Hospital Bad Bergzabern performs virtual appointments and offers a second medical opinion service.

What age range of patients can be admitted to the clinic?

The hospital accepts only adults.

What type of stay is offered at BioMed Hospital Bad Bergzabern?

The clinic offers both inpatient and outpatient services, so you can be hospitalized (if indicated).

BioMed Hospital Bad Bergzabern
BioMed Hospital Bad Bergzabern

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