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3.7 on Google
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Frankfurter Str., 33, 64732 Bad Konig, Germany
Is it possible to treat spasticity in Asklepios Hospital Schlossberg Bad Konig?
The clinic uses systemic drugs, botulinum toxin, antispasmodic physiotherapy concepts, and basal stimulation to help patients with specificity. It's a part of the rehabilitation process for many neurological patients.
What techniques does the hospital use for gait rehabilitation?
Doctors widely use physiotherapeutic procedures, unique mobilization systems, and robotic therapy methods to compensate for the initially insufficient strength of the patient by reducing weight.
Does the hospital offer cognitive rehabilitation?
Yes, mental recovery is usually built into daily activities in various therapy areas. Neuropsychologists and speech therapists also treat specific neuropsychological clinical presentations or speech disorders as part of individual therapy.
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© Asklepios Hospital Schlossberg Bad Konig