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Find the best cardiologist in Jena

Find the best cardiologist in JenaDescending1
Prof. Dr. med. Christian Schulze working place
Prof. Dr. med. Christian Schulze
internal medicine and cardiology

Questions people ask the most

Who is the best cardiologist in Jena?

<a href="/doctors/prof-dr-med-christian-schulze">Prof. Dr. med. Christian Schulze</a> - AiroScore 9.80 is the most rated cardiologist in Jena.

Who is the most experienced cardiologist in Jena?

<a href="/doctors/prof-dr-med-christian-schulze">Prof. Dr. med. Christian Schulze</a> - 27 years is cardiologist in Jena with a wealth of experience.

Is there cardiologist in Jena conducting research activities?

<a href="/doctors/prof-dr-med-christian-schulze">Prof. Dr. med. Christian Schulze</a> - 626 publications is cardiologist in Jena with the most extensive scientific background.

Which cardiologists in Jena have fulfilled CVs on their profiles?

1 cardiologist in Jena has available resume.

How to get an appointment with a cardiologist in Jena?

<a href="#found-doctors">1</a> cardiologist is available in Jena. Select one and click on the doctor’s card to schedule a consultation. <a data-link="true" href="/">AiroMedical</a> is ready to help 24/7.